Did page rank update recently?


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Having mostly given up on the IM thing and made most of my domains just forwards to the few sites I still occasionally do anything with I don't have too many sites to look at to potentially notice a different rank. But my homepage, just a personal site that I really haven't done anything with seems to have gone from a 2 to a 4. While the site I have been updating like crazy and steadily getting more traffic and backlinks is still a zero. Is this a fluke? Is this site showing up as a 4 to anyone else? dimipapa.com Has page rank updated? I know it was a 2 before.

Yeah my site too got PR4. Previously it was PR0. I think PR updation after a long interval. Anyway better late than never :)
My site still in PR 0, came to know that PR has not updated to certain sites that has been launced 1month ago
It was partially updated. PageRank is shit imo:S
Since they cant update the toolbar every 2-3 months, i would prefer no updates at all.
Yes I heard it updated a few days ago too. I realise that PR doesn't mean much in SEO terms but I was still hoping to see an increase for advertising purposes.
Yeah PageRank usually updates every 6 months or so in January and July, those are also the two times of the Year that a lot of people bitch about wild fluctuations in how their site ranks.