
New member
Jul 19, 2010
I used my personal Facebook account which I haven't done in a while, but I couldnt help notice the $250 daily spent limit. I added another advertising account, which now I have two account on one Facebook account. I spent $100 on this dating campaign which I broke even with. This morning I logged on my Facebook to do some more testing, but one of the account with the dating campaign is no longer there it just disappeared and left with just one account my old account, and the daily spend limit decrease to $50 as well. What happen to the account I spent $100 with, are they going to charge me that $100 or what because to what I'm seeing is that account no longer exist. They just deleted the other account. Is anyone else had this sort of experience before. Did Facebook banned one of my account because I was cloaking. If they banned me wouldn't it mean that my personal profile would have been banned too....

you cant use the same funding source for more than one account, and im pretty sure theyre not gonna forget about the $100

Is this a new rule or something? I've been using the same card for multiple accounts for at least a year, but I noticed this exact same thing happened to me last week. Thought it was odd, but in regards to what about the money owed on the other account, it just disappeared, I was never billed.
idfk, its not stated anywhere but i kept running into this same issue so i started creating some new accounts with other CC's and Paypal accounts and the problem went away
idfk, its not stated anywhere but i kept running into this same issue so i started creating some new accounts with other CC's and Paypal accounts and the problem went away

Cool, going to do this and see what happens.

Have you had any issues with them linking the accounts based on billing address?
No not at all, im not sure what method they are using to track dupe accounts but multiple accounts using the same cc/paypal of mine have been canned for no reason with no notification whatsoever. hpwever all new accounts created with different funding sources are still active, same billing address.