Did anyone else read Shoemoney's book?


New member
Oct 5, 2007
Surprised there's no thread about this already, I know he's a divisive figure here but I think he's an entertaining character. His ego and need for attention means he's always putting out info he really shouldn't.

It's a good, quick and entertaining read but there's no useful or actionable internet marketing knowledge if that's what you were expecting.

Few interesting bits:

  • He gives out about other sites (like mine!) stealing ringtone content from NextPimp saying it was before he could go after them with the DMCA. He didn't mention the fact that his whole site was built around copyright infringement!
    The other thing I knew was that people were stealing my shit, lifting content straight from my site as soon as it was up and transferring it to their own sites. I was never going to stop that, I knew. This was before YouTube and the DMCA and the whole area of copyright infringement was really gray. So I wasn’t going to stop the stealing, but I thought I could defray it at least.
  • He was abused as young lad! Didn't see that one coming.
    So I have to mention that I was actually abused when I was really little. That left a big scar, which I had to deal with when I was all grown up. I fantasized for a long time about finding that guy from my old neighborhood, driving over to his house and killing him. At one point I even knew where he lived. I’m not exactly sure what would happen if I just ran into him one day. I guess I hope that I don’t. So that left a scar, for sure, and probably had a lot to do with the irrational fear and anxiety, which plagued me for many years. I was also really pissed at my parents about the whole thing. I have never understood how they could let that happen or that they would never address it and try to fix it. To this day, they still go on thinking that I was too young to remember.

    I wasn’t.
  • He was nearly killed when he worked at an auto shop and some Chicago hoodrats shot the place up.
    When I realized what was happening—that I was in the middle of a retaliation shoot out because the owner of Sound Advice was really fucking deep into the drug world and he somehow fucked someone over which meant that, unfortunately, I was going to get shot by an Uzi and die any second—all I heard was that clinking.
    And then they kicked the door open and ran into the garage. I was still under the car. I knew the first thing they saw were my fat feet sticking out from under the Jeep. But I couldn’t move a thing. I was frozen, holding those two wires between my fingers.

    I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead.
    Holy shit. I’m dead.
    They ran past me towards the back door and I heard sirens. The sirens were close.
    Holy shit. This is really it. I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m still holding these wires. I’m frozen. I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead.
    Wait…they ran past me.
    They ran past me?
    I’m dead?
    Wait…am I dead yet?
    I stuck my head out from under the car and saw the back of a big black dude, running for the exit with an Uzi in his right hand.
    He got to the back door of the garage, stopped, and turned around. Our eyes locked. It was my dude—the big thug dude who locked the keys in his Olds with the 22” Daytons.

    He nodded once at me, like he was saying, “Whad’ up?” and then made a “shhhhh” symbol with his finger at his lips. Then he smiled and sliced that same finger across his throat. It wasn’t hard to understand what that meant.

Thoughts? Did anyone else read it?

I've actually been meaning to sit down and read it. I'm hoping to get it done this weekend. I always enjoy hearing people's stories who have been in the industry for a long time. Some of the best i've heard comes from the 10+ year veterans (Richter needs to write a book!). Jeremy and I met just a year or two before wickedfire got started. Since then we've both taken very different paths in the industry but have always managed to keep in touch and updated on what we're working on. He obviously became more successful than me so hearing story, even without any actual marketing tips included, will probably be not only entertaining but helpful.