Did Adbrite/AVNads go into a coma?

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Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
What is up with this company?!?

I signed up with them a few weeks ago. I sent in a support ticket about something regarding the setup of my first publishing campaign. They responded VERY quick. So far so good, right?

Well, after having generated my first ad code and uploaded it to my live testsites, I eagerly waited. I was told "Allow up to 48 hours before ads will start to show on your sites". Fine.

That was 2 WEEKS AGO.
STILL no fucking ads. And yes, I have put their code up on several different pages to try forcing some ads to show. But nothing. Even tried to view the sites through different proxies to see if it was a geotargetting issue I wasn't seeing.

Ok, so after the 1st week of waiting (1 week ago) I sent them another support ticket. Waited... Got no response.
4 days ago I sent them another ticket, this time by email instead of using their online ticket submission form. Waited... Still no response.
Last night I tried to call them.. I then got to listen to a message saying "phone support will be available again monday March 5th". But; "if you have an urgent matter, please contact us at our email adress...blah blah.."

What gives? Has anyone else had this bad of an experience with Adbrite / AVNads? I'm considering to pull the plug on them altogether soon if they don't ANSWER me and explain to me WHY not a single ad is shown on any of my sites...


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