
Not much. It's currently getting about 1000 visitors per week as a parked domain.
Depends on the person. I'd find an IM who is running a Diablo 3 site and try to sell it to them. They could redirect it to their website and get all the misspelled type in traffic from it.

If it is indeed getting 1,000 unique visitors ( 4,000 / month ) that is 4000 targeted traffic looking for diablo 3. It is also likely that trend will continue. People aren't going to randomly get spell-smart and start typing in the URL without errors.

What IM wouldn't like an extra 4,000 visitors / month toward their site!? I know if I were running a Diablo 3 site I would.

As far as price.. totally dependent on the IM. If it were my Diablo 3 site I'd gladly pay $100 for the domain and get an extra 4,000 uv a month :)