Developing a site around "sexy" apparell risky for adsense?


New member
Jun 11, 2010
Behind a proxy
hey everyone,

so I haven aged EMD for a product that could be considered as somewhat "hot/sexy" for example "knee high boots/high heels" etc etc.. so I wanted to ask if it would be risky to develop a site around it? My article writer had put in words like sexy, fetish etc, but I had them removed...but I am wondering if the niche itself would be unsuitable for adsense? There are several adwords ad appearing for the keyword when I google it...anyone can offer suggestions? or should I avoid it

Here you go - Adult content - AdSense Help

The AdSense network is considered family-safe, which means that publishers aren't permitted to place Google ads on sites which contain adult content. In addition to photos and videos which contain nudity or sexual activities, here are some other examples of unacceptable content:

  • Lewd or provocative images
  • Crude or indecent language, including adult stories
  • Sexual tips or advice
  • Sexual fetish sites (e.g. foot fetish content)
  • Adult toys or products
  • Ads or links to external sites containing adult content
If your site has content which you wouldn't be comfortable viewing at work or with family members around, then it probably isn't an appropriate site to place Google ads upon.

I never tried develop an adsense micro niche site around racy content and probably never will.
I wouldn't take a shoot with that. A friend of mine had a sexy website and got banned. No naked pictures, just sexy.
Adsense can be a headache with that!