Determining a statistically relevant conversion rate


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Does anyone have a rule of thumb on conversion rates before you say, "Fuck it, no one's gonna buy this shit."

If you don't have a sale after sending 100, 500, 1000 people to the offer page... How long do you keep throwing money out the window before you call it quits?

Does anyone have a rule of thumb on conversion rates before you say, "Fuck it, no one's gonna buy this shit."

If you don't have a sale after sending 100, 500, 1000 people to the offer page... How long do you keep throwing money out the window before you call it quits?

Not long, but then, it depends on the profit.

Some offers pay $1, a penis extender device could pay $100. I know a guy
that promotes jet charters at $500/sale commission. Obviously, he has a
low conversion rate. Porn and casinos have very low conversion rates, but
can pay nice in the long run.
