Details for Affiliate Ball and Leadscon official after party with Keith Barry


Throws the big parties
Dec 31, 1969
Los Angeles
Just a quick heads up if you're going to NY for the Affiliate Summit and/or Leadscon shows.

I'm organizing a big party at each you'll definitely want to check out.

Affiliate Ball is the 22nd and we have Doug E Fresh performing, DJ's and surprise guests. You can either register online or get your pass from us during the Meet Market at the Summit. We're expecting a full house again, should be the largest party of that show.

Then on the 25th, I'll be organizing an event with Leadscon that will be a networking event with the Jingle Punks Hipster Orchestra performing (youtube these guys, pretty cool) and then a 45 minute performance by Keith Barry. Keith is a mentalist that will take people from our crowd and do jedi mind tricks on them. He's got a show on Discovery Channel called "Deception", also worthy of youtubing. You'll be able to get passes through Leadscon as a part of their show.

I'm about to go to print on the AffBall passes tomorrow incase anyone would like some last second exposure at a great price for a sponsorship. WickedFire is a sponsor of this party so I'll give the WF super bro discount if interested. Just hit me up at info @ You can also hit me up there if you're interested in the Leadscon party.

See you guys there! Huge thanks to our sponsors for making this happen.