Designer/Developer: Need Financial Help

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New member
Feb 9, 2009
First of all, I've been trolling/posting on this forum for over a year (this is a new account) and this post is NOT asking for a handout.

I'm not trying to make this a "woah is me" either, but here's a quick summary:

My brother and his wife both work full time and make decent money. However, Feb 3 they had a baby, and if everything was to go normal, daycare would be no problem and they could both continue working. However, the baby still has not come home from the hospital (heart problems, brain issues, lung trouble, etc etc etc) and she will require additional attention meaning it would be great if my brother's wife can stay home from work to provide additional care for the baby. This means that a dual family income is now laying on my brother's shoulders, and he needs some form of additional income to make sure his wife doesn't have to work.

With that in mind, my brother is a designer/developer and does VERY good work. He is trying to take on projects on nights/weekends to help assure that his wife does not have to work. He has worked on projects for Wal-Mart, JD Power & Associates, Mirus Bio Corporation, Lakeshore Concepts Corporation,, and dozes of other entrepreneurial ventures.[FONT=&quot]
If you would be in need of a designer/developer, please PM me or AIM me (same as username) and I can give you his information.

Thanks all, again, not looking for a handout, just looking for some help. He is willing to work his ass off to make this happen.

thought the first sentence was funny shit!

AND I stand by profit addiction as a good guy I have known for a while and I am sure you will be satisfied with his brothers work!

Here's what's wrong with this situation.

Your brother is the one best qualified to work from home. He's an internet guy for crissakes ... what are they thinking? There's a difference between Mommy wants to stay home and the need to. If they were using common sense, they would see that she wants to be the one, but that's not what's best for everyone (including the baby).

Even with a healthy kid, if they were planning on child care as a solution, they really need to have their heads examined.

Sell a car, get a smaller house, downsize however they can and make this shit work!

My heart goes out to the kid & both parents though. An unhealthy baby would be devastating .. especially to new parents. Good luck to them.
Here's what's wrong with this situation.

Your brother is the one best qualified to work from home. He's an internet guy for crissakes ... what are they thinking? There's a difference between Mommy wants to stay home and the need to. If they were using common sense, they would see that she wants to be the one, but that's not what's best for everyone (including the baby).

Yes he may be qualified but he has a full time job and is it really the best time to build a startup/work from home in this situation? I definitely wouldn't drop a full time job to build a startup while staying home w/ an infant.

Even with a healthy kid, if they were planning on child care as a solution, they really need to have their heads examined.

Sell a car, get a smaller house, downsize however they can and make this shit work.

Their cars are about as old/falling apart as you can get. They are both paid off and are actually in dire need of new ones, lol. They have a house that is very reasonable and selling in this market? I understand where you're coming from but neither of those options is really feasible.

My heart goes out to the kid & both parents though. An unhealthy baby would be devastating .. especially to new parents. Good luck to them.

Thanks for caring man, it really does mean a lot. I understand your suggestions too, it's just a very difficult situation all around.
Yes he may be qualified but he has a full time job and is it really the best time to build a startup/work from home in this situation? I definitely wouldn't drop a full time job to build a startup while staying home w/ an infant.

My brother and his wife both work full time and make decent money.

She has a full time job too. And yes, I think this is the best time ever to start doing work for yourself. It might be scary for them, that's doesn't make it wrong. The US economy sucks, they need diversification badly so that child doesn't go hungry during our economic readjustment period.

Those full time jobs they have will likely be dumping some people they employ within the next year or so anyways. Stability is non-existent these days unless you work for yourself.

Besides, infant care is cake work. They have 4 basic needs that are easy to fill (sleep, food, poop & love). He'll have no problem getting stuff done until the little one starts running around ... that's when the real work starts. The wife will be grateful because she'll get full nights of sleep since he works at home. Perfect for picking up a 2nd job ... that is, if she even needs to since they won't be paying for childcare.

Also, if he's good at what he does, his current employer will be the 1st in line to be a client. If not, there is no other field more lucrative than hacking. It's easy to pick up work, especially if he's got a portfolio like you described above.

Their cars are about as old/falling apart as you can get. They are both paid off and are actually in dire need of new ones, lol. They have a house that is very reasonable and selling in this market? I understand where you're coming from but neither of those options is really feasible.

My brother and his wife both work full time and make decent money.

I might have misunderstood what "decent money" means. Introduce them to Dave Ramsey and they'll find a way to cut corners and make it work.

Thanks for caring man, it really does mean a lot. I understand your suggestions too, it's just a very difficult situation all around.

Believe it or not, I do

Kids are one of the few things in life that are truly pure. Regardless of how shitty your childhood was, you always get a 2nd chance to have a good one once you start reproducing.

Obviously to give the correct advice, you'd have to know the exact situation (which I would never divulge on a public forum). In the end, they're going to do whatever they want. I'm just giving advice as I see fit because what they are doing makes absolutely no sense to me ... especially the child care part. If they didn't want to be real parents, they should have chosen adoption.

^^ All of the above is spoken from very similar experiences and is genuine and sincere. People don't always like truthful advice, but they come to respect it in the long run.

Somebody give this fucker something to do and show him what it's like to work at home!!!
Haha thanks man. I would suggest to him to have his wife keep her job and he flop out of his, but he makes almost 2x what she does. Also, I know it is a great time to start working at home (which is exactly what I'm trying to do personally).

His underlying goal is this: build up enough clients with design jobs and the like to be able to work full time for himself.

It's a real sticky situation and I see where you're coming from - I told him once I'm netting 7 figures I'll salary him as my full designer making 100k+ but I'm a little off that yet ;)

Somebody has contacted me with a basic design request and I'll keep everybody posted how it goes :)

Thanks again to everyone
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