Deleting Comment on Facebook


New member
Apr 18, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
I have a friend that owns a spa/hair salon and she has an irate customer that is flaming her Business Facebook page. Is there a way to block that user and delete her comments?


I mean, no, this isn't possible, I'm sorry.
This friend is a woman and has no dick, but thank you for the suggestion.

She deals with women, who are not always the most rational beings on earth. She has offered her a refund, but that is not calming her down.
This friend is a woman and has no dick, but thank you for the suggestion.

She deals with women, who are not always the most rational beings on earth. She has offered her a refund, but that is not calming her down.

Well I think the best you can do, is in the thread she's being irate, demonstrate how you're willing to go above and beyond to try to fix the issue. Also, I didn't really mean to punch your girl friend on the dick. That's just rude.
Scroll over to her comment or post in the page and should see an X (a cross) at the right of the post. Click it.

When that happens, the comment will be replaced by the following text

Now this is only visible to the person who wrote it and their friends.
Unhide · Delete · Report · Ban John Doe

Click on "Ban John Doe" and the said user will be banned from the page. Please remember though, this does not prevent the user from Liking your page. or following your post, it only prevents them from liking/commenting on the content of your page.

Let me warn you however, that since this is for a brick and mortar business, doing this will only worsen the situation. It agitates the banned user and she can post about your business in other parts of facebook and could possibly get you a lot of bad press.

Your best bet would be to address this issue one-to-one with the customer and willing to settle in for their demands.

1.Go to Admin panel.
2.Click "See likes"
3.Find that gayfag cocksucker.
4.Infront of his name you'll see a settings button, click it, now click "Remove" from the drop down list and tick "Ban Permanently" then "okay".

Edit: Blogue beat me to it.
She must have fucked that bitchs hair up good. The owner needs to find a way to appease this woman.

Call this woman or setup a meeting. This woman is more than likely looking for an apology and an admission of guilt. Don't poke the bees nest. Go out Of your way to solve this. A $500 visa gift card can go along way to shutting up an irate Customer.
Well I think the best you can do, is in the thread she's being irate, demonstrate how you're willing to go above and beyond to try to fix the issue. Also, I didn't really mean to punch your girl friend on the dick. That's just rude.

Yeah, better the woman is on her Facebook page complaining than on Yelp where her comment can drive down your friend's rating and really affect her business negatively.
Thank You for your help

Yo, where in Philly are you? Let me know if you need someone to take care of this shit. Online been kind of slow lately. Need some work.

wait till the dust settles, THEN hide the comment. She probably wont realise as the comment will still be there and shes less likely to check if you've hidden/banned her.
A $500 visa gift card can go along way to shutting up an irate Customer.

I'm sure that will work out great once she tells her all her hood rat homies how they can make a quick $500 for cussing out the business owner or causing drama on her FB.

The customer isn't entitled to a bonanza, once word gets out how easy it is to scam that business, everybody will start doing it. All the business owner has to do is make her whole, if there was damages, maybe she can offer to pay to get it fixed for her at another salon or something like that. Customer can come back in with a receipt from the other salon and she can be reimbursed.
Funny, I've literally never had an irate customer. Usually when I hear the rest of the story, it's pretty reasonable for the people to be totally pissed off. How did your "friend" mange to do this? Did the lady complain about something, your friend got defensive and rude, pissed the lady off and it went from there? Most people don't start right at 10...