

New member
Aug 10, 2007
So, I've had this ORM client going on about 5 years now. They have one negative article from Courtlistener that I've been battling with for all this time. I push it down and then an update happens and bam it's back.

Basically, I'm sick of it and looking for a more permanent solution.

I know WF doesn't really do much ORM, but I know you guys are always pretty spectacular with the on the spot brainstorming.


Can you post an example page on Courtlistener of what it looks like (not your clients but another page in the directory)? I think Courtlistener does blog updates + PDF's. Wasn't sure which kind.
I'm sure you've checked this already, but RE: the removal policy at Courtlistener:

"If you would like a case removed from the results of the major search engines, please send us a written request to the address on the contact page. Please include the pages you would like removed. Upon receiving this request, we will generally block search engines from indexing pages on our site by using the robots HTML meta tag and the x-robots-tag HTTP header."

They don't really state what, if any, conditions or factors are used in them deciding whether to deindex the page(s) or not. Almost appears as if you only have to ask...

While the pages would still be on their site, at least they should stop popping up in the Google search, as you've indicated being the problem.

To get them to remove web pages entirely, you'd need a court order. An attorney may be able to find a reason to get that done(?). Dunno how much your client is willing to pay to make that SE result disappear.

RE: "We will not remove any public document from our database without a court order. If you want information deleted from our site, your only recourse is to get it deleted from the public record by contacting the courts that issued the opinion, or to otherwise obtain a court order. In such a case, you should likely contact the court directly."


And along those lines, they are a non-profit that accepts donations...
I'm sure you've checked this already, but RE: the removal policy at Courtlistener:

"If you would like a case removed from the results of the major search engines, please send us a written request to the address on the contact page. Please include the pages you would like removed. Upon receiving this request, we will generally block search engines from indexing pages on our site by using the robots HTML meta tag and the x-robots-tag HTTP header."

They don't really state what, if any, conditions or factors are used in them deciding whether to deindex the page(s) or not. Almost appears as if you only have to ask...

While the pages would still be on their site, at least they should stop popping up in the Google search, as you've indicated being the problem.

To get them to remove web pages entirely, you'd need a court order. An attorney may be able to find a reason to get that done(?). Dunno how much your client is willing to pay to make that SE result disappear.

RE: "We will not remove any public document from our database without a court order. If you want information deleted from our site, your only recourse is to get it deleted from the public record by contacting the courts that issued the opinion, or to otherwise obtain a court order. In such a case, you should likely contact the court directly."


And along those lines, they are a non-profit that accepts donations...

Thanks. I know that is an option but I'm looking at it as a last resort. Mostly, because I've heard of so many cases where contact with the webmaster made it so much worse. I know I'm probably being overly paranoid as Courtlistner isn't (or at least doesn't appear to be) an extortion scheme like RoR, yelp or mugshots...etc but I can't help it.
Holy crap. You're still a moderator. LOL. I haven't seen your name round here in years. Glad you're still alive and kicking.
Hi, turbolap, I remember this. That happens as links die off, since the links are spammy, they also lose effectiveness over time. I think to really beat the googles in this case, you should be building a more permanent profile of links to your positive properties.

The alternative is to just keep churning out links, I think you'll find that either way will work but that the second option might actually be easier/less on resources. Feel free to PM me or Skype me anytime. I would be fine with showing you how to do it on your own if you felt like braving a few dozen SEO tools. :)
Turbolapp, I would try to contact them. I have had great success with contacting Webmasters and throwing a couple of dollars to the cause. They don't sound like a RoR or one of those, so it is unlikely they will try to spotlight it if they are giving you the way to contact them and the removal instructions.

I do ORM on a regular basis, and the first two things I do is see if I can replace the bad press in the SERPs. i do this by seeing if there is any place to create user generated content and then create a highly (on-page) optmized copy, and point a few links to it. Google often will replace the newer more optimized content in the SERPs as they often don't like to have 2 urls from the same domain. It works if there is a spot to put in some user generated content (forum, etc).

If not, the next step is to see how viable it is to contact the webmaster and offer him a few bucks to remove the content. I explain that it is really trying on my client, and has created a hardship, etc. Try to hit the human side of them, and then I offer them some money for their time and quick response and assistance. (Not for the removal - so they don't think they are really doing anything wrong). I explain that I know that they are probably busy, so I would like to compensate them for their time that it takes to find the article and remove it. I usually start at around $100, and that usually make the ears perk up.

I would not be afraid in trying to removal process via contacting them. I took a look and it looks like you are good.