Dedicated Server - Spam Issues


New member
Jun 20, 2008
Anyone else with a dedicated server and having issues with their emails going to spam when sending to clients. I have been with my provider for a while, everything has been great except this one issue. We do not send spam or newsletters from our servers.

Can anyone recommend a mail server provider to route all my emails through in order to prevent everything from going to spam?





Make sure you have an SPF record in DNS. Many email servers check the SPF record to ensure that a particular server is authorized to send email for the domain. Another thing you could do is make sure your email server isn't an open relay (do a search for "open relay test") which is something you definitely don't want.
It's not a "dedicated server" issue it's an issue with your setup.

There are many reasons you're not getting through some of which have been mentioned already. Without investigating your server, list, IP/Network etc... it will be challenging for anyone to pin-point your exact cause.

If you don't want to deal with all this just go with an e-mail provider. Who to use would depend on list quality, mailing type, etc... and everyone is different in how they sort/organize quality and lists between ESP.

Other solutions out there for other types of bulk mailing,...

And, if you're talking about only YOUR personal/company e-mail... then the easy answer is to stop hosing your own e-mail on your dedicated server that you also use to host websites, files, and whatever else. Setup your MX records to use Google Apps or Office 365 or Hosted Exchange, and then you can still use any e-mail software you want and your e-mails will get Inboxed.
I have local clients on this server, so whatever a typical business would send to their clients. Images, invoices, hello world emails etc...

I have enabled SPF and DKIM on all the accounts, will see if this helps improve everything.

OK - Not an open relay.

Thanks for those links. We do not send out mass emails, so we do not have email lists, these are basic emails and not bulk emailing.

Thanks guys.
Make sure your sending a IP has a reverse DNS entry as well. Also make sure you're IPs aren't in any of the major Spam RBLs.
Check your maillog (/var/log/maillog file, usually). Most larger providers out there (ie. Gmail, Yahoo) will leave notes in it telling you why your e-mail isn't being inboxed.