Dedicated Hosting Or Shared?

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
What makes dedicated hosting any better than shared?

Right now I am using multiple business plans through IX webhosting, which run about $6 a month per plan.

I was considering going with dedicated hosting for a media site that I am working on because 95% of the content will be streaming video, flash animations and games. But when looking at various plans I noticed most are $100+ per month, with bandwith rates that are below what im getting or about even to what im getting with a shared account for $6 a month.

For instance this plan Dedicated Servers,Server Colocation,Server Hosting from its a dedicated hosting plan for about $200 a month with a limit of 1500 GB Bandwidth per month.

Each business plan I use has a limit of 1500g also but is only $6 a month, Business Package:Cheap Web Hosting Plan:php,MySQL,PGSQL,Linux,SSL,Perl

Im I missing something here? is there anything else I should be looking at? Is dedicated really worth it when my main concern is bandwidth?

Thank you, i dont know to much about hosting and could really use as much experienced info as possible


When you have a site that gets assloads of traffic, bandwidth is only one of your concerns. With shared hosting, there are multiple websites being hosted from one machine, each with CPU slices and RAM quotas. With dedicated hosting, you control the entire machine.

If you're pushing a lot of traffic, you don't want your shared hosting throttled because you use too much CPU power or too much memory. Bandwidth is only part of the equation.

Edit: Also, you might not want to look into getting a dedicated server until you really need it.
Shared hosting is just a primary and low cost option for websites which has just begin their business. The shared hosting service lacks in software functionality, storage needs, and also bandwidth requirements. But if requirement and the business increases he can later opt to a dedicated server.
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