Decrease your Keyword costs by 50 or more%

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007

I can't take credit for this but I am sure glad I re-read this post (it was kinda long the first time, must admit about 1 month ago I just breezed through it without implementing it).

Well, after dealing with ski-high adcenter and adwords costs, I took several hours today plowing through old posts. Boy am I glad I did. I did everything he said....i switched my AM marketing to a blog vs. a kinda-lame one page website I set up (very lazy I know)...either that or just going directly to the affiliate's landing pages. And you know what?! Most of the keywords in my campaign have gone down!!! by some 50% or more!

Just had to share, hopefully you guys will stop doing what I did, i.e. remaking the wheel a little bit.

If anyone else has had a similarly helpful experience to share, do let me know!

Enjoy your day off....
Here is the thread I read:

The part about adwords charging you less because you are a BLOG is so right. I also added some external links (one link to an NPR story) which was also suggested and it really worked. I am almost a bit stunned. Now I'll be able to pull in twice the traffic for the same price!

Anyone want a ride....

I have been seriously considering this recently because it is becoming more and more apparent that Google really loves blogs. Think I'll give this a shot with a couple aff sites I've been working on now that I've gotten some verification.
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Cool! Past couple of days, I've got MUCH higher conversions by writing a little about the product on the blog then sending them to the merchant's landing page. I don't think G likes affiliates too much.

Actually the blogs are cool 'cause it gives you a position to give a reason why the person should sign up/buy the service. You may also want to see a question I asked about getting people to opt-in for future conversions down the road.....

I just started in late April and it definitely helps to do exactly what the pros say vs. just pulling stuff out of the hat--feels good when it works too.....
Very intresting, can i ask if you use other content, like articles or postings in the niche that you are promoting to get a even better quality score?
I use postings. I just honestly, just did exactly what his old post said and RESISTED the urge to do things my own way....

I didn't scrape any articles I just literally have 3 entries of original content. I basically give the user useful info then I say "by the way this [offer]" will help. I may be luckily 'cause I am doing educational leads and I have some experience with that.

I think the original content....really the "relevance" of the content helps. Honestly though I think it's the blog too, 'cause I have almost the exact same content accept it's on a blog vs. a .com domain...

I think this is the way to go, or at least when you first start....
Just a thought or to....
Thanks for your reply, i have read the old post to and i am going to test some stuff, as that i am newbie with new adwords (when i was doing it you just trew up a page and bid $$$ for keywords) i am going to take it slow and see what happens.

I am definitely going to test the blog thing with different amounts of content and see what it does, maybe if you ad more content you get more QS

Well back to the drawing board
But does the blog convert as much as the simple landing page?

There's the rub.

What if you set up wordpress to only have internal links to Google-lovin' things like the privacy policy and "contact us" and whatnot? Don't make any blog posts, only create three different pages in wordpress, and use a super-minimalistic theme. Does wordpress alone increase quality score?

If so, you could have the conversion rate of a simple landing page with the added google-love from the wordpress install.
I set up the blog about 48% and have been getting a 50% percent ROI since then. Granted, it's only a couple of days but my converstions and profit have never been better. I'm doing CPA so I just write about the product and give "help" to the landing page. My costs are down and my conversions are up.

Just do what the blog says, really...
yes i would like to get cheap clicks and keep my simple landing page how come that isnt possible lol
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