Debt Traffic


New member
Feb 16, 2009
Anyone producing Debt leads who is looking for a better payout and better conversions, shoot me a PM. We are looking for high quality exclusive internet leads.

Yea what kind of payouts we talking, payment terms. I'm not fucking with these shady debt guys unless I'm getting prepaid.
Talked with the OP. They actually are behind a debt offer that is on quite a bit of networks. Good thing is that he offered payment every 3-4 days to show that he is legit. Going to be giving him a run soon.
im running a debt lead offer as well hit me up if anyone is interested
Got a ton of exclusive Debt leads. Hit me up at

Yep Interactive stole my deadbeat debt buyer list. I doubt you'll be paid when the debt stiffs don't pay them.

I waited until now to say anything so they would get burnt by a few advertisers. Ask around many pubs have been burnt by their shady debt offers. Dont be the next one.

A bunch of Hacks run that network
Yep Interactive stole my deadbeat debt buyer list. I doubt you'll be paid when the debt stiffs don't pay them.

I waited until now to say anything so they would get burnt by a few advertisers. Ask around many pubs have been burnt by their shady debt offers. Dont be the next one.

A bunch of Hacks run that network

hacks that pay on time ohhh zing! lol
Yep Interactive stole my deadbeat debt buyer list. I doubt you'll be paid when the debt stiffs don't pay them.

I waited until now to say anything so they would get burnt by a few advertisers. Ask around many pubs have been burnt by their shady debt offers. Dont be the next one.

A bunch of Hacks run that network

Not fronting on your network or anything, since your AM's are mad helpful ( hola at stephen and brian), but in YepRevenue's defense, I've been running debt there for a long fucking time and get paid weekly like clockwork. Never had leads charge backed also.

P.S. $2 EPC.
typical krongel comment. rev is down so takes shots at other people. wah wah wah

Typical 4 post wonder comment.

I would guess to say the whole industry is down in revenue. And i dont think we are down as much as others, go check links they still come to us.

The non payment comment, i guess its all BS that i have heard from multiple publishers, or some will speak up either way good luck.