Debt Leads


New member
Feb 17, 2008
I'm looking to sell some debt leads as a split test against my current buyer. Anyone with a heads up for a good buyer?

Thanks for the Bump as always Yousif! PKM for the win :)

[FONT=&quot]WickedWeasel -We are actually revamping our debt program and will be ready to go in about 60-90 days. Sorry we can't help at this moment, but feel free to send over your details if you like and when we are up, I will reach out to see if you have any interest at that time.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]


Anyone got any debt/loans lead offers that either have a comparison engine or can be iframed/(can't remember the correct term for the other thing) into a website?
We have an exclusive debt portal that's looking for some traffic. Leads MUST be exclusive so we're not taking any host/post. PM me for details.

We're also taking some domestic call center leads as well for a test.
Well ya if you wanna sell leads pm me - otherwise if any of you guys ar elooking for old data I've got about 100,000 records from our campaigns I can sell out.
harry, i have 2 debt offers that you can post your leads to. they have to be live posts though. if you are interested PM me with your email and I'll send you the deets.
Just bumping this thread, looking for a good home for my debt leads. Would prefer to host and post. Been around for a while so I know the biz.