Deadbeats May Force Me to Get a JOB again!!

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New member
Nov 20, 2006
It looks like the company I was generating affiliate sales for is about to go belly up. They owe me about mid xx,xxx and need advice on how to proceed as I made a big mistake in placing almost all my eggs in one basket here.

They are still in business however they cut about 50% of their employees to try and get a cash infusion. The most infuriating aspect of this story is the fact they are still advertising AND spending ad dollars with Google/YSM/MS.

Does anyone have a good collection agency they can reccomend or the proper steps I should take in order to recover at least some of the funds?

Did they go bankrupt? That would force you to get in line as a creditor. Otherwise, sue their asses off. A lawyer would take a case like this on contingency. You won't get 100% of your money, but you'll get something back.
We have some pretty good detectives here so let me just say they are in the VoIP market.
hmm, this was an email I recieved from Linkshare this week --

"SunRocket maintains outstanding affiliate commissions for transactions made since March 2007. Based on the company's current business situation, we are unable to determine if and when payment will be received. Until we can determine the status and capability of SunRocket to remit payment for orders referred by you and tracked through our network, we will not continue to allow any further transactions to occur. Again, this action by LinkShare is for the protection of all partnerships and to prevent any further debt to affiliates within our network."
They continue to advertise on Google, Yahoo, and MSN while refusing to pay their affiliates. I've taken appropriate measures but a warning to all stay far far away from these thieves.
Wow. I sensed their shadiness from day 1.

I would send them a simple letter from a lawyer demanding payment or you will take further action. Threatening with a law suit anyone can do. A letter is usually more effective and will get you better results than just threatening them.

Go to CraigsList and you can usually find a lawyer there to write you a letter for $75. (I wouldn't recommend a CraigsList lawyer though if you decided to take it to the next level)

Wish you luck there with that. Keep us posted.
When did you realize there was a problem? When did you stop getting paid? Is $XX,XXX your regular periodic check or does this include previous payments not received?
I used to have Sunrocket for my phone service. They suck all around. Worst phone service and customer service I have ever seen. The whole VOIP market is taking a shit.
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