Day parting and facebook.


u wot m8
Feb 22, 2011
I've been using facebook ads, and just running 24/7. I'm now a bit more versed on CPM and how that affects everything, and from what I understand it's best to run your ad during prime times in the day for optimum proficiency.

Does anyone happen to have any input they would like to share with me on the subject? I just got my account upped to 2k and I really want to make the most out of this. I plan on running late tonight, stopping, and starting it at some point tomorrow, maybe around 12 my time (eastern). At least then my ad won't be run during the night, when it gets little attention.

thanks in advance for any advice.

I assumed so. Mine tanks from 3-5 am till somewhere around 11 am/12 pm, from what I can tell, but I just really started to pay attention. I notice that i'll have an ad running GREAT and then after one night, next day it's running at half the performance it was. I ASSUME this is because I ran it all night, when no one was clicking? Fucks up the CPM right?
Also, could I not just write a macro for firefox to start and stop my ad at certain points, so that say, i get fucked up stay up all night and sleep till 3pm, my stuff can get started anyways? Why the fuck would they not just build this feature in..... oh yeah lol because people might save some money, duh.

No affiliation. Uses php, curl, and cron jobs.

No affiliation. Uses php, curl, and cron jobs.

good look bro i'm definitely gonna check this out.

i stopped my ads last night, started them around 1 pm eastern time. i noticed that i went from paying .03 to .10. pretty dissapointing.

as the day has gone on, it evens out, and goes back to a ~200% roi, from around ~100. for both of my accounts.

would you guys chalk this up to starting the ads at a bad time (to early?) the vertical i'm running atm is related to some music artists, most traffic is 18-44 y.o.

i just really want to get this profitable. my ads have gotten a bit stale, and i can barely get any ads through. i was pulling 300%+ rois in the beginning on both accounts. i would love to do this with my 2k account again, if i can figure out how to really optimize it.
I am running dating offers exceptionally in the evening and in the weekend,I think if we are talking about FB PPC its common for any vertical
well since yesterday i started my ads @ around 2 p.m., the cpc went up, then back down as it ran. today i ran it all through the night, and the ROI went up on both accounts. So for this particular camp, i'm thinking 24/7, with the large budget it seems to even out in the end anyways, (spend 2k, make 4k back, regardless.) i'm happy i ran this little test though, just to clarify.