Day and a half of data


New member
Mar 4, 2010
I'm thinking this is not enough data to tell anything, but since I've made zero sales, I get the feeling I'm doing this wrong. Campaign is PPC rebill on Yahoo search:

Avg. CPC = 0.35
Impressions = 123,190
CTR% = 0.15
Clicks = 190
Cost = $65.78

Is this typical for a 1.5 day test run? I'm told the LP is decent.

Make sure the payment page (or whatever page you're sending them to) doesn't look sketchy. It probably hasn't been long enough for you to stop running the campaign but if you want to try something different, don't change the original, make a new one and split test.
Make sure the payment page (or whatever page you're sending them to) doesn't look sketchy. It probably hasn't been long enough for you to stop running the campaign but if you want to try something different, don't change the original, make a new one and split test.

You mean the landing page, or the offer page? The offer page is a typical AM network offer page of a well-known rebill "health" product. My landing page is a fblogatorial type thing that looks decent (I think) but is probably yesterday's technique (e.g. outdated), expounding the virtues of the particular product in the third-party objective-esque news-review kind of way.

Bottom line in I getting the feeling, from reading around here, that I'm probably not going about this the wrong way. And the numbers seem to reflect that.
I'm thinking this is not enough data to tell anything, but since I've made zero sales, I get the feeling I'm doing this wrong. Campaign is PPC rebill on Yahoo search:

Avg. CPC = 0.35
Impressions = 123,190
CTR% = 0.15
Clicks = 190
Cost = $65.78

Is this typical for a 1.5 day test run? I'm told the LP is decent.

I'm a PPC noob myself, and I haven't dabbled in Yahoo Search yet, so don't take my word over any experts here.

But here's my analysis:

1. CPC = .35 - That seems fairly low for any competitive niche (i.e: health products).
2. The CTR% again strikes me as fairly low.
3. You say your lander is good.

So, your issue might be that yes, you have a good lander, but you're targeting a niche disinterested with your product. Or they could potentially be interested but your landing page isn't designed to target "them" specifically.

I'm really high, so this might not make sense.
A few things...

1. Correct 190 clicks to your LP is not enough to make an educated judgement with continuity offers. I don't know what your CTR is from LP to offer but I'm sure it takes your 190 clicks down to at least 50% of that if not less and at that point no data is statistically significant.

2. .15% CTR on search is extremely low assuming you turned content off.

3. Sounds like you're broad matching terms... try turning exact match on a few of your most relevant keywords, bid for top 3 positions and turn content off. Send another 200 - 500 clicks.
how much is the CPA for the offer you are trying to promote? if it is just a rebill, then I'd say that is enough data to know to stop running it.. they just don't digg your campaign. move on and try something else - don't dump money into something that just doesn't work
how much is the CPA for the offer you are trying to promote? if it is just a rebill, then I'd say that is enough data to know to stop running it.. they just don't digg your campaign. move on and try something else - don't dump money into something that just doesn't work

After 2 days: 155,126 impressions, 243 clicks (only about 50 went to the offer page), $83.26 spent, and no sales. CPA is $36. Yep, I think my campaign is officially crap.

Thats for all the input guys. Time to move on. Didn't like the product much anyway.
A few things...

1. Correct 190 clicks to your LP is not enough to make an educated judgement with continuity offers. I don't know what your CTR is from LP to offer but I'm sure it takes your 190 clicks down to at least 50% of that if not less and at that point no data is statistically significant.

2. .15% CTR on search is extremely low assuming you turned content off.

3. Sounds like you're broad matching terms... try turning exact match on a few of your most relevant keywords, bid for top 3 positions and turn content off. Send another 200 - 500 clicks.

Correct on all accounts. I was told to test out many keywords (on the order of 1000) but I'm finding that I'm getting clicks from keywords that seem very unlikely to convert.

I'm going to try a very reduced list of exact match long tail keyword list based on the top clicked broad keywords. I have no idea if this is the right thing to do but I'll give it a try.

Is a Flogatorial type landing page still worth trying, or is it somewhat obsolete these days? I know I should be split testing different LP approaches, but my day job is getting in my way and sucking up my time :disgust:

Thanks for the analysis!