David Carradine Dead

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few stories reported the rope was found around his neck and genitals. Then they edit it to "sitting in a wardrobe with a rope around his neck and other body parts."
"dead in bangkok" roughly translates into way too much blow and dies mid-orgasm while plowing some 15 y/o ladyboy to me.

Gonna suck if he was just sailing and slipped and hit his head on the deck, b/c if you die in the land of banging cock you'll never be looked at the same again.

RIP - great actor.
Gonna suck if he was just sailing and slipped and hit his head on the deck, b/c if you die in the land of banging cock you'll never be looked at the same again.

seems he hung himself.. also, most people sail in open water not rivers used for transport.
RIP Shaolin Master

I have his autobiography from 1995 - Endless Highway - good read, recommended.
Sonny I hope he went out on top, too. Man, that sucks, i loved his kung fu show....uh, oh showing my age. RIP dude you gave me lots of entertainment. Hope you went out swinging that kung fu d**k.
Kung Fu: The Legend Continues still holds the record for best TV show intro.

"I'm not my father. I'm a cop, that's what I am, that's what I do."
some news reports are saying that he was doing some sexual thing where they like being choked?
Photos were on the front page of Thai Rath (biggest Thai newspaper) a few days ago.

There are photos like those in Thai Rath every day, some time ago they covered the front page with photos of some poor guy that had fallen into a giant meat grinder and died...
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