Dating PPC Question!


New member
Sep 2, 2010
0 first off. I am an "advanced-beginner" with PPC. I am familiar with all the basic intro BS questions I can have answered through simple Google searches and reading posts. So it pretty much means I don't know shit lol. I am struggling getting a few campaigns profitable and figured I would at least try to ask at the sad risk of some 16 year old guru geek telling me to GFM. Afterall it is Sunday so I figured I would at least ask.

What I am NOT asking:

- I have talked to a few of you big in PPC and NO I don't expect you to hand me down your money making campaigns so I can just copy them.

- No I don't expect someone to hold my hand and do the work for me.

All I am asking is a little input and maybe some pointers. I want to start getting involved more with PPC and maybe there are some mistakes that maybe I can avoid. Regardless I am not an idiot and eventually I will figure it out. Just asking for some pointers.

So I am running Cupid on PoF directly through Cupid's program. They are paying me $1.34/lead plus 60% commission on each sale. In order me to get paid ANYTHING I need to convert at least 2% of my leads to sales or else they won't pay anything. Here is their payout structure:

For Traffic From US, CAN, SAR, NZ, SPA
% from sale bonus per male lead
bonus per female lead

$ 1.34
$ 1.34

$ 2.51
$ 2.51

$ 3.68
$ 3.68

$ 4.85
$ 4.85

$ 5.85
$ 5.85

$ 6.68
$ 6.68

$ 7.52
$ 7.52

I did the math

.20 CPM
Female Demo
1,600,000 Impressions
1000 clicks
CTR 0.063%
100 leads ($1.34/lead @ 10% lead conversion)
2 sales ($14.97 is 60% off of the lowest intro of $24.95 at a 2% conversion rate)

This costs me $320 bringing in a gross revenue of $163.94 and a net revenue NEGATIVE ($156.06).

This is definitely not profitable.

I even did the math with my highest CTR campaign at 0.085% and it is still reporting a loss. I know people are making Cupid work through PoF, but what am I doing wrong especially at CTR's as high as 0.085%?

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It sounds like it's as obvious as raising your CTR.
I'm just going to give some off the cuff remarks. First off, I have to say, screenshot fail. I'm not sure that you meant to link to a PNG stored locally on your computer, but, yeah...

Second, your CTR is low. I'm assuming this is 110x80 and not IAB. Try some niche targeting to increase your CTR to something acceptable in the >.1% range. Niche targeting will probably result in a higher CTR and CVR (obviously adjust ad copy for this). Third, split test in a different offer with higher payout, and try one that doesn't rely on sale commission. You're advertising on a free dating site; don't assume those users are just going to whip out a CC once they are on Cupid. With an offer in the >$3/lead range, with higher CTR, even at the same CVR, your numbers start to look a bit different. Lastly, from what I've seen, Cupid has been pimped hard on PoF, and their dbase is huge. Consider finding something a bit fresher.
WTF is up with that image?!? I def FAIL and have no clue why that is in my post. You win some you lose some....

Yeah I figured I would need to keep testing. After all, I am paying for information. I just don't have enough experience to know when to can an ad or when to keep testing to make it work. When do you call it quits with a given campaign/ad? I also don't know what is a reasonably achievable CTR. I know it depends on the offer, CVR, etc but maybe I should just STFU and just keep testing different stuff. I am sure this is how everyone else learned and still runs their PPC campaigns.
It's not really hard to game CTR on PoF, I've had as high as 0.80% over 200k impressions but it didn't convert worth shit. You're probably better off testing something with a flat payout structure, around $3+, until you get a better grip on how to optimize for conversions. A tiered payout structure like the one your working with just adds additional variables that you'll have to test and optimize for which means combing over a lot of data for every conversion you make, which is fine if you have the budget and patience to do so.

I think for CTR, the acceptable standard is 0.15%, but I wouldn't really worry that much about CTR on PoF, it really comes down to eCPM.
0.08 is really bad so raise that ctr and yeah .15 is pretty standard on pof I been killing anything less mostly
Kudos! I appreciate the response. I gave +1 rep to a few but it says I gotta wait 24 hours to give a few more. I appreciate the input! I'll add to the rep as soon as it lets me.

Except for ZeroOne. I tried to find ONE useful post by you on this forum and couldn't find anything. You def seem like an intelligent and abstract thinker though. But no +1 for ugly trolls.
PS - What about FB. What is the standard there? I have a few campaigns around 0.075%. Again, I know it depends on the offer, what it converts at, the CPA, etc...but what would that industry standard be for FB?
are you targeting the states? ctr is a bit low.. better deal with networks if your sales rate is low, i'm sure they pay more than $1.34 per lead.
For FB 0.1% is the bare minimum, you should try to hit 0.5%.

For PoF I kill anything below .15% but you need to watch your
bids too, you pay what you bid, so don't go all enthusiatic and bid
sky-high even if your CTR's good.
And I'm not sure how much Cupid pays out now exactly but

I think you're better off running it through networks at that
sort of rates, given that you're not profitable at the moment.
Awwww shit....I made $15 dollaz. I'm rich bitch!

Well....minus the $37 I spent on FB...So I guess I'm still broke.

I got one ad up to 0.100% with 75,000 impressions. When I go to split test and create more ads I am running into some problems:

1. IF I get and ad approved, FB is running all the impressions to the ad with 75,000 impressions. How do I drive more impressions to the new ads I tested?

2. FB denies my ads for a different color border each time. WTF is up with that? Their reasons are only because of my demographics, but they are the same as the 100 ads that did get approved. Only difference is the border trim I added. Does FB not allow this?

PS - +reps added! Thanks for the help!
Everyone seems to have covered what you need to do to reassess your efforts. Tiered payout structure ads more variables than needed and especially if you aren't an expert yet at ppc. FB has the traffic and it converts. call to the consumers pain in the headline and the copy/after the click is the pleasure(solution). Ask yourself questions about who you are targeting and why they would click your ad? Use all sub-id fields and split test all copy and images. If you do this you should have some success and at least a .1 CTR. I hope this helps.... :)
P.S. I was just fucking with you, I don't know why I thought that was funny when I wrote it ^_^

LMAO...No worries I say dumb shit all the time. Shit apparently I uploaded an image from my I can't say much haha, but I + repped. Represent Sonnnnn!

@Manawalo yes this is PPC

@AMSHustla Anthing helps right now. I def appreciate the feedback. Just don't know how to get more impressions away from one ad and to the new ones that I am testing. I have one at 0.100%. I have about 80,000 impressions on the one ad that is doing ok (0.100%) and all the ones I got approved to split test aren't getting impressions. It is like FB just wants to burn out the ad that is doing well and not let me test any others.

Any advice on how I can get more impressions to these ads? Should I pause the one that is doing well? Then start it again when the other ads start getting impressions? I don't want to higher my CPC.