
New member
Aug 6, 2010
I own this domain & was wondering any pro domainers thoughts on value. I dont really use it & was recently made a 4-figure offer... Not sure if I missed the boat on quick cash or was right to hold onto it.

Fwiw: Estibot has it at $6000


values have gone down that's for sure.

Sorry, I'm not up on that market enough to comment off-top of my head.
It is a nice brandable, but it doesn't get much searches per month (390 according to G). So without development I would say mid $x,xxx would be good sell, anything above that would be a great sell (meaning that you need an end user with deep pockets that wants exactly this name).

The niche is high value and is growing rapidly so the domain could gain some value in the future, but with all the new gtlds coming out it might also lose value..

If I were you, I would put it up on Flippa, notify the party that made you the offer, set the starting price at just a bit below what they offered and advertised the shit out of it on forums and via email (contact end users in the data recovery niche and tell them about the auction).. That or get a broker to sell it, but since it is not an EMD with many searches, I would go down the Flippa route. Good luck in any case :)