Datafeed Question


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Hey guys,

I need a "quick" solution to this problem. I've got a product that I own and I'm sending traffic to. I own the brand name so the SERP results for "SUPER WIDGETS" are wide open, with the exception of my site and the backlinks that I've built. I need more credibility indicators in the SERPS so I thought that a quick datafeed site might solve my problem. I've got a year old domain "" and I'd like to roll a quick review site that will be indexed quickly. I don't need a ton of product reviews, just enough to give the site credibility.

What I want to do is install wordpress, theme it, and then populate the site with reviews of other products in my niche, then add my own product in there.

I'd like this site to be up as quickly as possible, but I don't want it to get banned.

My questions are:

1. What should I do to avoid Google banning the site?
2. Which plugin is the most newb friendly in terms of editing the site?

I appreciate any help you guys can give me here : )
