Databases, Buy or Hire

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Jun 24, 2006
North East PA
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I need to either purchase an already prepaired database or hire someone to assemble one for me. In the case that I do end up hiring someone where would be the best place to do so? And what could I expect to pay for a good Indian or Pakistany programmer?

Also should I expect the programmer to gather and assemble or will I most likely have to hire two Indians?

But before I get ahead of myself I would love to buy a pre assembled database if I can find one with the content that I need. I had a link to a good site that was selling databases, but cant seem to find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks Again, Jer


I looked around and can't find the URL, but there is a company that sells a lot of databases full of content. They had a lot of categories and niches. Basically they just provided you with a SQL file to create the tables in import the data.

The site had a funky name and I can't remember it or find it via google right now.

Here's a similar site:

It's not mine so I can't vouche for it. The other one I can't think of had a ton of more databases and was much nicer.
beware of odditysoftware

Beware of those guys. I bought the garden center database and it was supposed to be 422K but in fact many of the records were repeated in many of the categories thus true unique records were only 80K I have not contacted them because I do not want to get into pissing match but ether they are knowing this is false or do not really know what the hell they are selling.

Just beware.

Yes I have an email from the seller stating this is true 422K unique records. FALSE FALSE FALSE!

I bought reseller rights and had to do a $300.00 refund to a customer because of this as I did not have a good way to count the actual unique records. My customer did and showed me how the records were repeated in many categories.

I suggest you procure a refund agreement from the seller if the true number of claimed unique records are not up to claimed amount.

Reason I have not contacted them is #1 I already sold one copy of this database for the amount I paid and buyer evidently did not count records so they never came back and ask for refund. Reason #2 I am just too busy to bother with these guys and going around n round about this. I just adjusted the claimed amount of unique records down to 80K and kept the database up for sale on my site. I have not sold any since this change though.


P.S. - I am still looking for good sources of database that are good so If anyone has anything please reply.
I also happen to own their garden centers database and a few others. I noted on the bottom of the page where it talks about records and counts the following:

Note: In many of the business specific databases there is a multi subcategory structure in place. Individual businesses can fall into multiple category structures with in the dataset, therefore impacting the record count. If you have any questions or statistical reporting you would like done, please inquire before purchase. We will be happy to assist.
So I sent them a message before making my purchases, asking what exaclty that meant, and how many records there were for "unique addresses' and they gave me a count of about 80.3K which turned out to be accurate. The database did contain a true 422K 'unique' records, but that is because business have themselves listed in multiple 'subcategories'. For me it was still a wise purchase for the reasons I was buying, so I went ahead and purchased it anyway. I guess it's wise to say if you are buying data from them and need a count of 'unique businesses' be sure to ask up front, as they seem happy to give you back counts and statistics ahead of time.
devdeity said:
I also happen to own their garden centers database and a few others. I noted on the bottom of the page where it talks about records and counts the following:

So I sent them a message before making my purchases, asking what exaclty that meant, and how many records there were for "unique addresses' and they gave me a count of about 80.3K which turned out to be accurate. The database did contain a true 422K 'unique' records, but that is because business have themselves listed in multiple 'subcategories'. For me it was still a wise purchase for the reasons I was buying, so I went ahead and purchased it anyway. I guess it's wise to say if you are buying data from them and need a count of 'unique businesses' be sure to ask up front, as they seem happy to give you back counts and statistics ahead of time.

Yes it is a good database I just think they should give the total and unique records right up front. I did ask if it was 422K uniques and they told me yes. Now to me that meant it was 422k unique records as in different businesses but maybe to them it meant that if the records were repeated under different categories this meant that it was 422k unique records. I just think these details should be made very clear so people understand. This was not made clear to me even though I did ask. This was not good. Maybe I did not word my question properly for them to understand who knows.

My advise to make sure of the total number of unique verses repeated records I think is still valid. Over all I am happy with the database but will be more careful in the future when buying from them. I suggest you all do the same.

I am not saying they suck or anything just be very sure of what you are getting if you buy.

I thought I did that but for some reason there was a misunderstanding. Perhaps is was on me? Oh well.

yeah, it would be nice to see all of the different statistics on the page for each one. I think it may have been how you phrased the question? Speaking as a database administrator, if I am asked for a unique record count, then that is the number of 'unuiqe rows' (excluding duplicated rows). And that number truly is 422K, given the fact that if you remove the ID field, there is still 422K non duplicated records.

I think it depends on the intention of the buyer really. I have also purchased the resell/full right lics for the data, and when a web developer buys the data, they want all of the records as it is important to know all of the categories the business is in. When somebody buys the data for 'marketing reasons' then they are interested in the 'unique business' count, not 'unique records'.
Fuck It! I am putting together the database that I need myself, in my spare time!

Ive done everything else myself thus far, so .......

Thanks for the feedback though!

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