Database to RSS/XML

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
I'm looking to take articles from SQL dbs and produce RSS feeds, with some control over the number of articles pulled and the timestamps (say 5 a day or something - I guess this would need to use a cron job?)

There seems to be a quite a few solutions out there for this, but I just wondered if anyone had any recommendations or even some code I could use.


(If it's been covered, please just point me in the right direction - the fuckin search doesn't accept 3 character words!)

(EDIT: I'm going to have a look at this: RSSonate : SQL to RSS — Government Open Code Collaborative but still open to any suggestions!)

Hey Hippy. I am interested in doing this as well so hopefully someone can point us in a tried and proven direction. I am taking my product database from SQL to RSS in the next week or two.

Thanks for the link as well.
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