Dark Patterns

Awesome share. There are some great examples on there of what companies are doing to increase sales.
Quite nice and interesting read. I noticed those before but never thought of them as being "Dark Patterns", rather placed an etiquette on the website creators as "stupid fucks".
the site was featured on hacker news so it might go up and down for a few hours but still a good resource.
We need a wordpress theme built specifically for this. Fuck someone could do a BST and make a killing offering a service like this.
We need a wordpress theme built specifically for this. Fuck someone could do a BST and make a killing offering a service like this.

OptimizePress - Create Landing Pages, Sales Pages & Membership Portals


Hell of a funnel. Love it. A bit direct though right? No free offer for email signup to get them back into the funnel?

It's not responsive though, how on earth do you plan on converting less-savvy users for a mobile-related product without a mobile version of the design?

The YouTube video embed is a bit slow on iOS6. Put that thing on Cloudfront or something and use Video Hosting for Business to serve it.

Need some social proof there. Your target audience will feel much more comfortable seeing likes, comments, etc about the service.