Dancing related to domain/hosting renewal?


New member
Apr 15, 2010
I use BlueHost for hosting and it also provides a free domain with the hosting.

On April 16th, both the hosting account and the domain were automatically renewed by BlueHost. On April 19th my site completely dissapeared off the map, and has since re-emerged but is dancing around. The site's SERP ranking has been very stable for the last 6 months, and it seems very suspicious that it started acting funky within a couple of days of the domain/hosting renewal.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Should I be concerned? Thanks.

may some peoples said hosting change will affect SERP. But for me I think because the server site is down for a while (when you move the files) or DNS aggregation, so the spider can't tracks your site. But this dancing can also be caused by other things too, like google panda etc..
I have noticed that sites dance around on renewal as well, but only after the first year. Usually for the better.
I might be pulling this out of my ass but my theory is that renewed site shows that it is not completely dead in the eyes of google.
No dont be conercned, it's just your contract that is be prolonged with your provider.

Frankie says: Relax (I think that is how the quote go)