Damn it my images keep disappearing

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New member
Nov 6, 2008
I am building my 1st landing page in NVU...for some reason when I go to 'save as' and name/save the page most of my images disappear. I was making good headway and have hit a road-block.

Any ideas?


You have to be more specific. Are you grabbing images from other websites and then using them in your landing page?
I am building my 1st landing page in NVU...for some reason when I go to 'save as' and name/save the page most of my images disappear. I was making good headway and have hit a road-block.

Any ideas?


Have you checked to see if you're images are being saved as absolute paths to your local drive or are relative to the page location?
You should learn to code with notepad. After that you can use WYSIWYG editors.

Look at the source code. Check this code: <img src="someaddress" alt="alttext"> and make sure that src address is correct.
I am building my 1st landing page in NVU...for some reason when I go to 'save as' and name/save the page most of my images disappear. I was making good headway and have hit a road-block.

Any ideas?


Next time have some kind of BACKUP.
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