Damn internet nazis

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Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
I just have to vent. Looks like some asshat politician is getting his way blocking the entire Usenet from major US internet service providers:

N.Y. attorney general forces ISPs to curb Usenet access | The Iconoclast - politics, law, and technology - CNET News.com

And like the article says - it could be a matter of time before smaller Usenet providers will be forced to go down as well and that could be the nail in the coffin.

What has this hypocritical internet governing come to? Surely - we all want sick and twisted kiddie pr0n off the net for good, no question about that. But entirely blocking out thousands of legit, quality newsgroups that have been around for decades as a "solution" to that problem? Give me a fucking break.

It's like closing down the Library of Congress just because 0.001% of the material were found to be offensive. What's next? Banning IRC because people use "naughty mommy and daddy" words?


I'd be willing to bet this was them just not wanting to provide the service anymore(or to have it use bandwidth)
"Think of the children" is just a tagline to help their bottom line and lower the uproar.


This also from the article:
That is probably why he settled for strong-arming broadband providers into curbing Usenet--perhaps with the threat of a press conference that would all but accuse the providers of trafficking in child porn--instead of the far more difficult process of defending a law requiring them to curb Usenet.
Get with it guys, usenet is out and rapidshare is in :338:
I don't see the problem. They aren't blocking access to other Usenet providers, just limiting what they currently host on their own servers.
Most of the time the ISPs find it easiest to "block" access by just creating fake DNS records in their DNS servers. Cox Communications does this with some IRC server. Their DNS servers contain fake records for known "pirating" IRC servers that redirect the traffic to a dummy IRC server that Cox setup.

Just change your DNS to something like OpenDNS or setup a local server to get around the lame block attempts.
doing this to eliminate kiddie porn has the possibility of people acting out their fantasies instead. they will find another way to satisfy this urge, its like any sort of sexual supression, when they act out they really make it count, i have mixed views of this...

then the other side of the argument, does seeing this porn make them realize that they are into it when they wouldnt have realized it beforehand??

i know this is a bit off topic but it does directly relate, i would really like your opinion on this...
Bah, the people that are still aware of how to use Usenet's will simply move to other methods of getting their kiddie porn. Darknets, locked WANs, whatever.
Hell, Limewire is still plagued by kiddie porn! I occasionally use it if I'm trying to find just a single song (better than trying to find rare metal bands on torrents because they're never seeded), and it doesn't matter what you look up, it'll return kiddie porn.

Still, suppression of any layer of the internet is a worry.
Usenet is about as outmoded as Gopher and Telnet, and possibly sees about as much use as the W.E.L.L. does nowadays, but it does make a nice backup should things go to pot on the HTTP side of things.
fuck usenet ... all I can find in usenet also I can find in torrents, rapidshare and dc++ !

Uhm... far from it actually. There is tons of material never available on any torrent site or DC+ network. Those places for the most part only carry the most popular files but you won't find oddity stuff like rare documentaries, rare concert footage, specialty wallpaper collections, music libraries you won't find anywhere else, and so much, much more.

Usenet is where it's at and always has been. Torrent sites are just scraping the surface.
Uhm... far from it actually. There is tons of material never available on any torrent site or DC+ network. Those places for the most part only carry the most popular files but you won't find oddity stuff like rare documentaries, rare concert footage, specialty wallpaper collections, music libraries you won't find anywhere else, and so much, much more.

Usenet is where it's at and always has been. Torrent sites are just scraping the surface.

NY sure is playing hard and loose with internet rules and legislating shit they don't understand.

First the affiliate tax, now this.
All that will happen is they will move to some other country that does not have USA's retarded laws.
Personally I am hoping USA will legislate lots more stupid laws like that.

One of the few things USA has left is internet. But the right wing xtain fundies will make sure they kill that off too :).

If fundies have thier way americans will be allowed to have nothing else in thier house besides a bible and KJV version at that :)
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