Dammit, google!

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Asshats for sale.
Oct 29, 2008
Ok, so that $1500/day was nice while it lasted...

Thank you for your email. I understand that you are concerned that one of your campaigns is not accruing impressions. In looking at the account, I see that you are referring to the "x" campaign.

This campaign is currently being affected by low Landing Page Quality (LPQ), which is why you have seen a drop in impressions. While LPQ is not one of the factors used to determine quality on the Content Network, low LPQ can prevent your ad from being eligible in auctions for the Content Network.

Your campaign may have been running previously because our system that evaluates landing page quality had previously given it a higher LPQ score than it is currently receiving. Our system reevaluates landing pages on a regular basis, generally once a month.

I would encourage you to ensure that your site complies with the standards that Google looks for in a high-quality web page. You can find the guidelines for what Google looks for in a high quality landing page at Landing Page and Site Quality Guidelines - AdWords Help.
So here's the deal... This "low quality" landing page is on a 3 year old PR4 site that couldn't be *more* targeted to this particular niche. This site is chock full of useful content with a good rep with users and gets around 10k unique visitors/day organically. There are links both to and from this landing page to the rest of the site. I also have links to a privacy policy, contact, about us, and more from the LP. Not sure what the fuck else G wants from me in a LP. I mean, seriously. This campaign has been running for weeks with no problem, spending $2500/day with those ass clowns. (Note: the campaign is image ads on content network only... with a small handful of related broad match keywords. The offer is not acai, or pharm, or anything else that G historically has an issue with (that i know of))

I've tried creating new ad groups within the same campaign, pointing to a new LP -- no impressions after 24 hours. I've tried changing the landing page url for the existing ads that *were* performing well, pointing to a new, modified LP -- no impressions after 24 hours. I've also tried creating a whole new campaign & group -- no impressions.

I know I'm just one more person crying about a G slap, but seriously, what the fuck?

The only thing I can think of is maybe G doesn't like the way I'm handling my aff links. Links are coded like this:
<a href="page.php?id=download">
...and the code on the target page looks like this:
$id = $_GET['id'];
header("Location: http://affnetwork.com/?s=12345&c=12345&subid=$id");
Anyone have any suggestions in this case?

Also, what's the best way to trigger G to re-eval a LP for quality? I had thought that changing the LP url in the ad would queue it up for automatic eval, but that doesn't seem to do the trick.

I really like to hear answer to your questions. And Yes, Fuck Google. They are incredibly silly. I had exactly similar problem that happened recently.

Damn it!
They also stopped our campaigns (6 figure monthly ad expenditure) and told us that we were slapped because of affiliate marketing (our landing pages are full of content...)
Relaunch the same campaign with a new domain, and if that fails, launch on a new account.
Relaunch the same campaign with a new domain, and if that fails, launch on a new account.

Will google allow you to create multiple accounts? If they do not, cant they figure that from IP address that you use to login?

Relaunch the same campaign with a new domain, and if that fails, launch on a new account.

It didn´t help, even with new domain, new accounts and new ip (perhaps because of the same mcc)...
It's true that Google is starting to suck just more and more.

However, 24 hours isn't a long enough wait for them to re-evaluate your changes. The "quickest" way to get resubmitted for review is to change anything in the ad (headline, text, display, destination). But still - expect a minimum of 2-3 business day for a review here since we are talking image ads.

For me, the wait is usually 5-7 business days - in other words a week. It's become such a drag to launch new image ad campaigns on Google anymore. Every damn time I launch a new one, I have to wait for about one week until they are finally reviewed and approved/disapproved.

Very nice when all you wanna do is get an offer up and running for a quick test. Not.
They also stopped our campaigns (6 figure monthly ad expenditure) and told us that we were slapped because of affiliate marketing (our landing pages are full of content...)

Well what the fuck do they expect? For you to pay the money just to give some free information to their users?
Well what the fuck do they expect? For you to pay the money just to give some free information to their users?

No - they expect you to be the actual merchant. They don't like affiliates at all.
The less we all rely on G the sooner this shit will go away.
Look what Facebook did overnight. Competition has everything to do with this..

Use more direct media buys, YSM, msn etc...
and DONT EVER use G analytics, conversion tracking etc. G wants the whole deal...they dont want middlemen (AM's)
No - they expect you to be the actual merchant. They don't like affiliates at all.

Believe me, 80% of their profit is from affiliates. I'd like to see how they like taking a huge dive in earnings.
Believe me, 80% of their profit is from affiliates. I'd like to see how they like taking a huge dive in earnings.

LOL! Google doesn't need your money, yoey...or anyone else's on this board. It's no secret they had record earnings this past quarter. They can throttle their system up, down, and sideways to make their numbers at will.
LOL! Google doesn't need your money, yoey...or anyone else's on this board. It's no secret they had record earnings this past quarter. They can throttle their system up, down, and sideways to make their numbers at will.

That said, I've read observations that broad match is getting much broader these days. You really have to track incredibly closely if you use it.

It's more like extended broad match now, lords knows what expanded broad match will show.
Even Google isn't untouchable. Since their beginning, they have had a minimum of 17% growth in revenue each year. 2008 was the first year they went below that number. Their stock is also going down more than it ever has.

They are also beginning to feel the economic crisis by laying off people.

I think if enough big affiliates (we're talking thousands of advertisers) were to completely pull away from them and move on to competitors, they would eventually feel it. But yeah - it would take a lot.

They used to be decent but lately it's as if they are trying to suck more and more. Shitty support, unpredictable slaps, arbitrary fluxuations in traffic, the list goes on.
The less we all rely on G the sooner this shit will go away.
Look what Facebook did overnight. Competition has everything to do with this..

Use more direct media buys, YSM, msn etc...
and DONT EVER use G analytics, conversion tracking etc. G wants the whole deal...they dont want middlemen (AM's)


And did you see those sneaky SOBs, now they want to "help you" by integrating analytics with your adsense accounts....
What's next - do you want my atm pen number?

Seriously, there needs to be alternatives....
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