Cutts - Press Releases Won't Help? WTF?

Do the opposite of what Matt Cutts says.

So if I do the opposite of what Matt Cutts says then I'm in with a good chance of ranking my sites?
from that article:

Now, when you do press releases, it might get your web site in front of the eyes of bloggers, reporters and others, where what they write or link to may have an impact on your rankings.
You don't have to make the big G the end all be all of everything you do to promote your site. If your press release got picked up by a lot of trustworthy sources with a dedicated audience, you'd get some traffic from that and if all went well, those visitors linking to your site, bookmarks, FB shares etc. And in the end, you'd see recognition from G.
Get some quality links instead of crappy press releases and blog comments

Your advice is pretty flawed. You're blind to the full equation of marketing and you're easily outperformed by competitors submitting press releases, blog comments, and hunting quality links.
Get some quality links instead of crappy press releases and blog comments.

More retarded comments from Grim111. Let me break it down for you:

1. Press Releases. Press releases are a strategic marketing instrument that when utilized properly, can increase the exposure of your brand to your targeted audience. Press releases are known to be syndicated (PRWeb ones at least) on major news websites, such as, Google News, Sun-Sentinal, CBS, CNN, Fox News - should I go on?

The problem is most SEOers aren't real marketers. They don't leverage one channel/medium to gain traction in another. So when they hear press release, they think backlinks. Rarely do they understand the full potential or power that comes from a well written press release. SEOer's world consist of backlinks. But their backlinks are for "RANKING" in THE GOOGLE. Rarely, do they even understand that a backlink can drive direct/referring traffic. So, they make stupid comments on forums, pretending all that online marketing consist of is SEO and creating backlinks.

The make vague comments like, "Get quality links", without stating what "quality" consist of. I'll explain to you what "Quality" is suppose to consist of, traffic. If you create backlinks which generate traffic to your websites you are less reliant on Google. But that's against the SEOers mindset, remember, they are 100% reliant on Google and search engines, so to them, anything that doesn't increase your "RANKINGS" is considered non-quality.

2. Blog Comments. *sigh*. Done correctly, a blog comment can add dialog to a conversation and establish yourself as an authority in your field. For example, if a peasant like Grim has a website and has a blog commenting section, and a Real SEO guy like bravoman, drop some knowledge in his comment section, a reader might love the insightfulness of a real seo guy and click through to his website. Blog comments have the power to drive direct/referring traffic to a website when they create useful information and add substance to the dialog. Now, SEOers, in their limited thinking only look to gain the "RANKING" benefit of a blog comment. They are completely missing the real end benefit of real marketing.

In conclusion, Press Releases and Blog comments are a great avenue of increasing brand exposure, engaging with your targeted audience, and therefore helping your overall online marketing efforts. Oh and the SEO benefits aren't so bad either.

Looking for ways to drive quick targeted traffic to your website within 48 hours? Do press releases that target your audience and are engaging, and blog comments on websites which your potential customers visit. Good luck bro.

Carry on.
I don't know much, if anything, about using press releases effectively, but clearly I should.

But for me, one of the nicest things about building blog comments, forum links, etc that are based on actually contributing to a conversation, adding value, and helping your target audience is that, in addition to helping people and adding value to the internets and shit, you can watch your traffic and traffic sources grow, while the percentage that comes from Google stays the same.

This is good for morale, especially when Google refuses to rank you for some juicier short tails, but will rank copied YouTube videos linking to shitty mfas and other stupid crap. Also, your traffic will increase, while the number of fucks you give about what some wanker corporate mouthpiece says will decrease. You have more time to focus on learning and implementing actual marketing, becoming more expert in your niche, creating content, etc. Wins all around.
Press Release Syndication Always Matter..if its Syndication Trhough PRweb Then its the max.
So Press releases Would always Work
