Custom wordpress plugin

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Still Hustlin'
May 23, 2007
Are there any specific sites dedicated to coding custom wordpress plugin?

I need to have a very custom made wp plugin. Any suggestions?

You could hire me.

Or you could buy this tutorial info product: WordPress Crusher! (satisfied owner, not an affiliate link) and do it yourself. The product includes the following templates and tutorials.

Basic Plugin Template
Sample Plugin: Article Drip Feed Importer
Sample Plugin: Call-to-Action Automator
Video Training 45 minutes

Sidebar Widget Template
Sample Plugin: Twitter Button
Video Training 28 minutes

Custom Fields Template
Sample Plugin: RSS Drip Feeder
Video Training 33 minutes

[shortcode] Template
Sample Plugin: Video Embedder
Video Training 30 minutes

Custom Database Template
Sample Plugin: Comment Bribe Machine
Video Training 52 minutes

Post Handling Template
Sample Plugin: Twitter Reposter
Sample Plugin: Ten Comment Rule Incentivizer
Video Training 53 minutes Post

Post Meta Values Template
Sample Plugin: Statistics Display

Good luck!
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