Custom Spin Ready Article - $6.89 only!

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Jul 4, 2009
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I would like to extend our article writing services to you all at a great rate.

We will create spin ready articles that you can use to spin one seed article into hundreds.

Each seed article will be setup in this manner:

1. A unique, fresh article will be written and then rewritten 4 times for a total of 5 unique article variations.
2. We will then go through each sentence and put in the synonym suggestions for at least two-three words per sentence [that will also make sense with the entire article/sentence--shorter sentences will not accommodate.]

They will be void of spelling errors and be at least 300-450 words in length. You can then put these in a spinner and get unique content for your content sites, blogs, article marketing, and other article related needs.

Our special rates:

1 article = $7.89
3 articles = $16.74
5 articles =$24

You may think $7.89 is too much for one article but you are in essence getting 5 articles at the rate of $7.89 and that can furthermore be spun into hundreds. If you even spin it 10 times, you are already getting a deal so hundreds is a steal. We write these articles in a manner such that there are many options for the spinner to choose from allowing for more uniqueness than the 'other guys'.

A sample paragraph in this format is here:
{{Over the years, the credit industry in the United States grew with the nation's {economy|economic system} since the industrial era.|For a long time,the credit industry and economy {seems|appears} to be very {stable|solid|good} since the {starting|beginning} of the industrial era.} {Everything {looks|appears} just fine from the {outside|outlook}. Just as you {take|have} a {deep|greater|better} look in it, there are {large amount of |many }people failed at handling their {credit|financial}.|It {seems|appears|looks} {perfect|good|ideal} from the outlook, unfortunately, when you {take|have} better look into the credit industry, it failed {tremendously|terribly} - {majority|many} do not know how to {manage|handle} their credit.} {Thus, it {spells out|results in} more people owing than there were who could pay back what they owed.|As a result, the economy has more {individuals|people} who are owning than those who pay back what they owed. I{t's not surprise that |Thus, }the nation has {huge|great|big} debt.} {{Fortunately|Luckily}, it births to a new industrial service, credit repair services, {which aim to help to|solely to} {fix|solve} this economy {trouble|problem}.|{Inevitably|Unavoidably}, credit repair services were born to help fix this problem.} {This ultimately helped thousands of people to get their credit repaired.|It simply allows you to pay them a small retainer to make them make the pain-of-owing-too-much go away.}|{It is not {magic|trick} or a {miracle|illusion} that {there's |}people who owe more than their {entire|whole} lives are worth, yet {continue|remain} live comfortably.|It's {possible|feasible} to {live a comfortable live|have a comfortable live|live comfortably} yet owe more than what you can handle. It's no miracle and there are {many|a lot} people already doing just that.} {All this due to the fact that they {knew about|recognized} the power of credit repair services.|This is what credit repair services can do for you. They {help|assist|aid} you to get through you debt-driven life comfortably.} {It is an open secret that credit repair service {helps|assists|aids} you to borrow more than you can {handle|manage|address}.|All these while, credit repair service has been {well-known|famous|popular} among the people who are in debt. They simply help to them to borrow more than they can {handle|manage|address}} {It simply allows you to pay them a {small|tiny} retainer to make them make the pain-of-owing-too-much go away.|The credit repair will {enable|allow} you to pay a {small|tiny|little} retainer for your debt. This ultimately get rid of your debt worries in your day to day life.}|{{We all never mean to owe more than we can handle, but we did. It's not entirely our fault|There are a lot of times, It's not entirely our fault when we owe too much}, sometime, we are just stuck in a situation where we are {forced|driven} to {borrow more|take up more loan} than we can handle.|{Most of often than not,|There are a lot of time} we have to {take up|get a} loan for our education or emergency needs. {However|Nevertheless|Nonetheless|Still}, the {process|thought} of settling a debt is can be really {painful|harsh} or demoralizing.} {Now you owe so much you can {hardly|barely} pay it off in your lifetime.|Having to owe {so much that|such big amount}, most of our income are used up to service the loan. There's a possibility that we might not be able to pay it off in our lifetime.} {Seriously|Earnestly}, {it is not really that bad|it isn't that bad|there's hope for living comfortably, and you don't have to beg on the street}. There are {people|countless people} who {fell|are} in the same {situation|position} as you yet living comfortably. You might ask, what's their secret? I can {bluntly|flat out} tell you that, it's Credit Repair Service. {This great little service helped a lot of people who are in the same situation as you.|This ultimately helped thousands of people to get their credit repaired.|}}
Put it in your spinner and have it write one time. Save that. Now have it write again and compare to the one you just saved. You will find that each time, it is at least 60% unique when compared to each other. 60%!! All of our articles are written in this manner [except even better because if you notice, these were rewritten only 3 times for 4 variations rather than the 4 times for 5 variations that we offer in this thread!

We can only handle 5 articles a day so please pm for a spot rather than posting in this thread [to assure you get one as I check pms a lot more often than the threads] for orders.

We can also transform a normal article to spin-ready article for 4.83 USD :)

why would I want to pay that when I can press a button and get it for like.. 70 cents?

You m{ight imagine|ay think} $7.89 is too much for one article but you are {in essence|essentially|basically} getting {5|five} articles at the rate of $7.89 and that {may|can|will} {similarly|furthermore|additionally} be spun into hundreds. If you even spin it {10|ten} times, {you are already|you're already|you're} getting a deal so hundreds is a{ deal| steal| bargain}. We write these articles in a {manner|way} such that there are {multiple|several|many} options for the spinner to {choose|make a choice|select} from {allow|permitt}ing for more uniqueness than the 'other {fellow|guy|bloke}s'
You m{ight imagine|ay think} $7.89 is too much for one article but you are {in essence|essentially|basically} getting {5|five} articles at the rate of $7.89 and that {may|can|will} {similarly|furthermore|additionally} be spun into hundreds. If you even spin it {10|ten} times, {you are already|you're already|you're} getting a deal so hundreds is a{ deal| steal| bargain}. We write these articles in a {manner|way} such that there are {multiple|several|many} options for the spinner to {choose|make a choice|select} from {allow|permitt}ing for more uniqueness than the 'other {fellow|guy|bloke}s'
well, you can do tat with contentboss alone. But, it will not warrant quality visitors from the article directory you are posting on. We don't just transform a normal article. We rewrite it atleast 4-10 times, for each sentence in the article. Please understand what i am providing here :)

A review copy has been sent to lbtrading. A review will be coming soon :)
My Review,

First of all I did not even ask for a review copy, I pm'd the OP asking for 1 article to try him out and said I would also post a review anyway because for the sake of $7 no body should be begging for a review.

He replied saying he would give me a free copy, even though my post count is low which he really didnt need to.

The article was sent back a few hours ago after I sent him the details last night so the turnaround time was very quick. The article was supplied in spin ready sintax and each sentence was re-written multiple times as well as words being synonimized in each sentence.

The article made sence after spinning and this service is perfect for link building, ie submitting to multiple article directories as well as blog posts hub sites etc.

I have no doubt that the articles would get approved to ezine if you want to submit there.

again I know my post count is small but for the sake of $7 anyway dnt just take my word for it. Anybody that does this manually will knw that paying $7 is well worth it I am putting tgether a nice order for him and will be sending them through.

thanks again

well, you can do tat with contentboss alone. But, it will not warrant quality visitors from the article directory you are posting on. We don't just transform a normal article. We rewrite it atleast 4-10 times, for each sentence in the article. Please understand what i am providing here :)

A review copy has been sent to lbtrading. A review will be coming soon :)

directories fall into 2 camps... ezinearticles, and everyone else.

I'd never submit a spun article to ezines, cos they have actual real humans working there who hate spun stuff.

every other directory is fair game.

eg you can submit 'blah blah blah blah' to goarticles, and no one will notice.

I can see how your article writing service is useful, but you need to differentiate what can and cant be done by machine. rewriting a sentence into a new gramatical form cant be done by machine (AFAIK). Putting it into jetspinner CAN. And cheaply, too.
What spin software do you recommend using with your article writing service if I opt to try out some from you?
im interested in the 5 article package.

Do i provide 5 seed keywords so you can theme each article around that keyword?

Do you need LSI keywords for each of the 5 seeds to help theme them even more?
I am interested in bulk pricing. How much for 20 articles?

Also, can you deliver the original article for posting in a blog, as well as the spin-ready version for submitting to article directories?

Very unfortunate, we can't handle that much of orders. (we are two man team.) We are stopping this service for 2 months. In two months, we will upgrade our service and setup a proper site for you guys to order. I promise u one thing, the price will be the same. Turnover will be improved up to 1-2 days for one 60% uniqueness article. And within 24 hours for a 30%-40% uniqueness article.

For your information:
We know we are offering at a really dirt cheap price, but for now, we are only accepting orders from long term customer for time being. Yes, our articles have been used by our customers for Ezine submissions. There's no doubt it will satisfy or fulfill your needs for backlinking.

For now, we are pooling up some resources for a niche domination project. So, we are unable to cater for small orders. Oh well, just give us 2 months, we will be back with faster and better service than any writing companies out there.

Some also have asked me, Why so cheap? My quality of work does not reflect upon the price. What u paid is the result of my "effective bulk management". What you get will be readable, make sense, and smooth. It will not be EXTREMELY WELL WRITTEN, but for that price, i can assure you will never find it anywhere else.

This system is an accidental discovery when i was doing a project for my university, it enable 1 person to write huge amount of variation effectively in a short time. XD
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