Custom forum skins vs. Free ones

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Call me Andy
Jun 27, 2006
Washinton D.C.
Does anyone here think that using free skins for your forums has any impact on how successful your forum is?

I'm a little unwilling to spend $300 on a site that I don't think will make $300 in its first 3 months of existence, (I'm horrible at making money from keeping forums lol)

Just use a free one or design your own. Most forums are usually fairly easy to skin with just some basic knowledge.
ltn1dr said:
LOL @ the design my own. I'm horrid with anything that entails coding in any language or graphics designing or anything.

The top header logo on was the first and last image I'll ever try to make LOL

Maybe you can find a free one that you like and make some minor modifications to it, just to differentiate it a bit.
Custom is better, ofcourse, but good content can compensate for the lack of unique visuals.

If you do all the other things right, a free skin won't slow down your success too much.
theNOTO said:
Just use a free one or design your own. Most forums are usually fairly easy to skin with just some basic knowledge.
Well if you think it's easy to code a custom vbulletin design then what's not easy :p
MisterX said:
Custom is better, ofcourse, but good content can compensate for the lack of unique visuals.

If you do all the other things right, a free skin won't slow down your success too much.


It also matters a whole lot on your audience of webmasters are going to pay closer attention to the design than a bunch of grandma's who rarely surf the net...In fact, I would say that most internet browsers wouldn't know the difference between a custom design and a free, shared one...assuming the custom design is not highly customized. That said, if you've got the funds and are willing to invest in your so on a custom design - they really can leave a huge impact on your visitors, especially if they are tech-savvy
I would agree that it really depends upon the audience. If you are targeting the site at any market other than webmasters, graphic designers or the like, then I would think that a free one would be just fine. If you are that bothered by it, then buy a custom one as soon as you turn a profit.
I'd get a free skin and wait for traffic to build up.

Once you have enough cash you can skin the forum to match the rest of your site.
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