

New member
Dec 2, 2010
Looking for feedback on “crowdfunding” as I think it’s the only way to go. Basically whenever we have a slow week I move staff onto the “game project” but in reality it will take around another 4 years to finish at this rate so ive looked into crowdfunding to move staff onto it and buy a bit of equipment. But what’s the chances of it working and has anyone done it before? Ive distribution channels setup but current projects are more important as they will generate income sooner rather than 7 month’s time. The game will be a Free game thats all online and i hope better then anything else thats out in terms of real strategy online game play.

you can find a demo of the game below id also like feedback on it if any one wants to give me some. this project started out as a hobby its more of a "i can make a good game and i good games can be free"

Help Move Online Gaming Forward | Indiegogo



With crowdfunding, it's really all about how you present your product. Just like presenting it to single investor, you need a good presentation that you can put up online. If you can "sell" the idea, then you can get a lot of people to support it!

A lot of musicians have gotten their debut albums out this way. A lot of app developers, game creators, engineers, etc. It's a good system if you have a good product and present it well.

Good luck!
This is actually a good idea for the enlightened members forum - though it would be nice if you had come with some tips for marketing a crowd funding request. You'll probably generate a few click -troughs here - and maybe some donations.
The thread is better for STS. You need to provide value to have a thread here.

LOL - somebody actually comes up with some different way of generating traffic/funding - instead of the same rehashed stuff....posted in 30 different messages. Sure, it's a ploy to generate some hits to a page, but it should be sparking all sorts of ideas for the right type of marketer.
LOL - somebody actually comes up with some different way of generating traffic/funding - instead of the same rehashed stuff....posted in 30 different messages. Sure, it's a ploy to generate some hits to a page, but it should be sparking all sorts of ideas for the right type of marketer.

Are you him with another account or something?

I'm not hating on the idea or even the promotional link (it's not like he was spamming or anything).

But to say a post asking for advice with 0 responses gets in the Enlightened section is a bit nuts.

I even think it's a cool idea and an angle we should look at. But that thread is separate for a reason...the cream of the crop threads end up there.
yo yo

Looking for feedback on “crowdfunding” as I think it’s the only way to go. Basically whenever we have a slow week I move staff onto the “game project” but in reality it will take around another 4 years to finish at this rate so ive looked into crowdfunding to move staff onto it and buy a bit of equipment. But what’s the chances of it working and has anyone done it before? Ive distribution channels setup but current projects are more important as they will generate income sooner rather than 7 month’s time. The game will be a Free game thats all online and i hope better then anything else thats out in terms of real strategy online game play.

you can find a demo of the game below id also like feedback on it if any one wants to give me some. this project started out as a hobby its more of a "i can make a good game and i good games can be free"

Help Move Online Gaming Forward | Indiegogo


I have a way that you can get $ faster. message me on skype salmonte29. I tried the crowfunding avenue but u have to have alot of friends on facebook and other social media sites for it to work well...Anywas i want to see how far along you are in your game. I have a software you can plug and generate rev right away.
HSL is a desktop based software production company with the mission to provide robust and cost effective software solutions.
They sound fun.

settings) we
comma, single space.

TIL ambition is a proper noun.

we have distribution channels what we need
is commas?

made over 9 Desktop based software any EVERY software we have made has been completed on time
I love it when any every software gets completed on time.

Dwarves and Undead the system works using
Commas are for peasants.

introduces its very one d20 system
But just how one is it?

I designed the game
I thought you were a we?

new players aren't immediately destroyed by older players
Wait, so I get in on the beta, get in early, and then the new players who haven't played as long are just as good as me?

complex yet intuitive interface
It's awesome when something manages to do that.

facebook and ios
From what I recall from my English lessons, while emotions aren't proper nouns, trademarks of multi-billion dollar companies are.

Most of the money will go into equipment to create and render the best possible graphics my team is able to make as well as making the game a reality by taking staff members from other projects and placing them onto this, at the moment we cannot afford to produce the game.
Holy sentence length, Batman.

Also, I've run out of things to say about commas. That sentence needs another one.

with shipping being sent
Can you send shipping?

If the funder is successful
No free shipping for OWS!


Ok, that just covers the basic grammar and punctuation errors (most of which could've been solved by just running it through Microsoft Word's spell-check before publishing it to the world)

Your sales pitch is fairly boring and business-like. They're not investing in the game, they don't give a shit about its long term revenue projections (I know you didn't give any, but I was expecting it to happen at any moment)

Your last paragraph is very negative. I think you should change to fixed funding, this isn't something you can half-do. (And why would you want to, if there's no demand?)