CRM/Support recommendations requested


New member
Dec 10, 2011
One of my various side projects that's about to launch is (another) web design business. Yes, it's in a niche that needs it.

The big push is that I finally have a salesperson who is coming with a ton of warm leads.

I'll have this person and one other dealing with customers. I'll call them Account Managers because they're sales and front-line customer service.

Can anyone recommend a system that would allow me to enter both account managers leads, they could add new leads, I could monitor (and they can track) client communications and when I client goes to the help desk, it automatically routes to their account manager with the option to escalate to me (or someone else in the future). Currently, leads are just in a MailChimp account (name, email, whose lead they are) and initial outbound marketing will run through a central MailChimp account. It would be awesome if new leads were sent to the MC account where the auto-responders would start sending them messages.

This has been a back-burner project for years, so I've spent way too much time and money on it already, so affordable is preferred.

Oh, and the whole system is based on WordPress Multisite, so an awesome bonus would be if there was a way to integrate the help desk there.
SugarCRM integrates well with WP and gravity forms. The community edition is free and because you host it you can edit everything unlike hosted instances of SugarPro.
I managed an integration of SugarCRM for something around 30~ lead generation websites. I was much happier with it than with SalesForce. The various workflows and such we set up saved so much time on the lead qualification and handoff process.
Never EVER use Leads360. They sell your data! They were doing it in 2006 till now. You can vertify this by calling them up and asking them to buy leads from them. They'll hand you to thr right department. Ask yourself, what leads are they selling since they are only positioning themselves as a lead management system... think about it.

they dont sell leads, they only sell their SaaS lead management platform.
If you say they sell leads, provide proof
the 2 I affectionate are Salesforce and High Rise for the custom field system. I have a cookie system that tags the first entrance point of a lead and passes it on when they submit their forms directly into the CRM so I can see cool stats like spend/keyword or customer lifetime value/campaign etc ;).