Critique My Backlink Routine!


New member
Nov 7, 2011
West Coast, USA
Sup dawgz,

So I can't settle in on what type of link building routine I want to have, and I have been fuckin around with different shit to see if anything works. Here is what I am doing now, and I was hoping you guys could give me some feedback. I also want to try and cut costs a bit, so maybe you could give me some direction there as well.

I have two sites right now.

Site #1 - Article drip service $57/Month (I can do one site at a time, so i'll switch to site #2 next month, assuming this service helps my SERPS)

Site #2 - Profile link drip feed service, 500 a day, aimed at SB's and some article URL's. $29/month. (I would switch this to site #1 next month if I keep using the article drip feed service.)

I also use a link crawler for both sites at $12/month.

With webhosting my total expenses are $108/month.

Hope this makes sense.

Thoughts? Advice? Love?

For that much money you could do much more damage with services in the BST or even some Fiverr Gigs.

You could also consider buying software like scrapebox, BMD or AMR.
Bookmarking demon
Article marketing robot

If you are targeting some majorly competitive niche, then dont ditch the drip services, as you will need regular links to keep any serp positions.
Did you end up ranking on top after 1 month for both sites? If you did, then $110 to rank two sites on top is pretty cheap to me.
martijn offers a very similar service at 6 bucks less and its probably way superior.

Are you making money? What kind of keywords are you attacking? If you do that kind of link building on weightloss, it wont make your site appear anywhere on the top100 pages, if you try to rank for naruto wallpapers, its overkill. Give some more info.
Hmm i don't think you have to buy BMD or any article robot if you just want to rank one website. (It's not really worth it to invest money and time into a software if you're not planning to use it on some bulk stuff...)

I would rather go with some bookmarking service from the sells section. I heard river's bookmarking service is one of the best services out there because of some secret stuff or so..

Nevertheless, don't blast too much "low quality" links to your website if you don't have some authority links linking to you. Keep it organic! :)
Rivers SBB is the first thing i throw on a site and its never hurt
Did you end up ranking on top after 1 month for both sites? If you did, then $110 to rank two sites on top is pretty cheap to me.

No not yet. I have two sites, and neither are ranking for their KW's yet.

martijn offers a very similar service at 6 bucks less and its probably way superior.

Are you making money? What kind of keywords are you attacking? If you do that kind of link building on weightloss, it wont make your site appear anywhere on the top100 pages, if you try to rank for naruto wallpapers, its overkill. Give some more info.

Not making much money yet. One site is for gold buying, and the other site is for buying eco-products. The gold site is 3 months old and gets 1000 hits a month. The eco-products site is 2 months and gets 300 hits a month, but I have also not promoted it as much. Neither is ranking for the KW's yet, but that is in part due to the fact that I have been playing around with different KW's.
Rivers SBB is the first thing i throw on a site and its never hurt

This. A week or two later I hit it with a 2k or 3k SBM package from a different provider as well. Then I send another different provider to some inner pages.

I'll stop outing now.