Creative minds - how do I find...


New member
Mar 28, 2008
London, Ontario
I've got a new business on the go where we are groupon for facebook games. We bring one day deals from app developers to user of the games.

I'm looking for suggestions from you guys on how we can get users for our site.

I've got the obvious things covered:

-affiliate program to get users to refer friends
-facebook page to get likes to grow the fanbase
-do giveaways to incent signups

just wondering if you guys can think of any places I could maybe use outside the box thinking to get free users to join us - site is

Need help, looking to go fast and big on this thing.

P.S. Anyone know any legit places to buy fans?

I like the idea, but I must comment that in my opinion, the first thing a user needs to see when they visit your site is a big description of what coinwhale is, and what your site does. You have a 'how it works' section, but that's no substitute for at least a tagline or a brief descriptor cluing the user in as to WTF is going on. Cause when I landed on this page I was confused, very confused. I can guarantee you that the majority of people who land on this page aren't going to know WTF to do. You might want to consult with a web usability expert for something like this. Tim Ash's Landing Page Optimization is a great text, and a primer in web usability in addition to this would go a long way if you don't want to consult anyone.

If you want an idea of what I'm talking about, What's the first thing someone's going to see when they land on here?

Now for something like your site, which is ostensibly even more complicated than groupon, you're certainly going to need educational material right at the forefront.
As a sidenote, everybody in the CPA space needs to study Groupon's rise. In just about 2 years they went from 1 mil seed money to billion dollar + acquisition offers, and they did all of this with the enormous leverage of CPA and the very own affiliate networks we all run on. Penny auctions and coupons both exploded at roughly the same time, but it's interesting to note that coupons don't fuck people over whereas penny auctions usually do - and now Swipebids is gone and Groupon is getting offers from Yahoo and fuckloads of VC money poured into it. Not commenting on morality or anything, just speaking from a longevity perspective, it's pretty interesting.
Also, how're you monetizing this? $% of purchase of virtual currency from app devs you get in your program?
I'm not sure I understand?

So Farmville for example would approach your site and say they want to offer
"5 gold sheep" for only $4.99 / 50% OFF?

Do people really pay for bonuses in their fb games?
Dubya, looks like groupon is getting a 9 figure offer from google soon.

thanks for the suggestions, we did do a lot of testing with the design, we haven't had anyone be confused about it yet though.

I think it's because our niche is facebook gamers so they already understand what it's all about...

But I want to get your suggestions on what you think would help the average Joe understand it better.

What do you think we could do to quickly solve that issue without redesigning the whole thing lol?

P.S. I'm looking for suggestions on how to find people who have big user lists like guys who run clickbank offers on farmville cheats - anyone know how to find those guys aside from google searching?

There's gotta be an easier way.
btw I took your advice and made a landing page to simplify it for people so they know right away what it is.

Here's a mockup:
