Creating apps (noob question)

Philip P

WF Premium Member
Apr 30, 2010
What would someone (me) with no coding background need to learn in order to create apps?

Sorry about the vague question.

I am curious how much skill I would need to create iPhone apps. I realise that the level of complexity will vary from app to app, but I am not looking to release the most-ground-breaking-app-ever by the middle of next week.

Maybe this is something way too complex for a complete noob to programming like me, but I am quite an impulsive person so I thought I would ask : )

Thanks for taking the time to respond.
there are app makers out there that doesn't require coding skills. apps that create apps
I can't recommend Unity 3d enough....cross platform and all that jazz. You have to pay $100 to apple per year as a developer if you target iOS.

Tons of documentation and an asset store where people buy/sell code/art/etc for games.

I use it at my day job and have a lot of fun. We do augmented reality, work with motion sensors, oculus rift, kinect, face tracking, etc etc cool shit that all interfaces with unity.

I just started using Photon Server with it and can make multiplayer games quickly.

The unity engine itself is written in C++ but scripting can be done in C#, unityscript (like .net jscript), or Boo (.NET version of python).
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If anyone wants to give unity a shot I can throw you some assets :) I spend around $500/mo on their asset store. (tax write-offs)

And if anyone has questions about any of the following concepts I can point you in the right direction:
  • Face Tracking
  • Kinect Sensor Input
  • Xtion pro sensor input
  • image tracking/augmented reality
  • Multiplayer networking in Unity
  • Android and iOS in Unity
  • Heightmaps, terrain generation, mobile terrains
  • Unity basics: triggers, collisions, instantiation, projectiles, phyiscs, etc

And some other shit, been using it for 4+ years. I worked on a 6 figure project earlier this year using it with kinect and oculus rift, and I use it daily at my day job :)

For IM when someone installs your unity app you can easily grab their NIC's MAC address, IP, phone number, etc and store it in a database. Can easily post information/screenshots/files to your server or server side scripts. Full facebook, twitter, etc social integration. Can track who clicks on what and lots of stuff.
Shindig - I can imagine a video chat with kinect & rift would be quite cool. I can actually watch rift movies if they're the "side-by-side" type on YT, and I refocus my eyes so I watch them in 3D, but it can't be anything like the actual unit as I've only the fixed viewport, so no head movement / tracking (obviously!)
Shindig - I can imagine a video chat with kinect & rift would be quite cool. I can actually watch rift movies if they're the "side-by-side" type on YT, and I refocus my eyes so I watch them in 3D, but it can't be anything like the actual unit as I've only the fixed viewport, so no head movement / tracking (obviously!)

The rift feels like wearing ski goggles, it's as light weight and has a similar viewport, and you only see a blended version of the two cameras.

With kinect and occulus together, you can make some neat things, like send a person 1000 feet in the air and make them walk across a skinny beam, wearing the occulus you really view everything from 1000 feet in the air, and using the kinect you control the character, step by step, up to and across the plank. If a person leans too far left or right, they fall all the way to the ground and their death. We made something like that for a big exhibit.

Unity has an example video chat framework in their asset store for $100 (multiplatform too)
Have a look at Udemy. There's some decent courses and if look around for 75% off tokens on you can save a shit load.