Crazy Taiwan landslide pics


New member
May 18, 2008
There was a crazy landslide in Taiwan, no storm/rain and no earthquake. The side of the hill just completely buried the road. They know at least three cars are buried, but they haven't found any yet.

I know most of you couldn't give a shit, but these pics are pretty dramatic so I thought I'd share them.




Big engineering fail.

Damn. That's a lot of dirt.

I've lost count of how many times the chorus "it's the end of the world as we know it" by REM has run through my head lately.
Wow. I never pictured the whole side of a hill moving, plants and trees and all, like that. I figured it would break up and be just debris... not like a huge entity that decided to go for a walk.

I'm sure the hill's foundation was weakened by the building of the roads and was a ticking time bomb.
I'm here in Taipei. We didn't have that much rain prior to the landslide (it occurred on Sunday). Also, the earthquake we just had happened yesterday (Monday) so it had nothing to do with that landslide. It's been all over the news here and people are obviously pretty upset. That road is also the main highway heading north of Taipei through the mountains, leaving a lot of people sol.
Yeah, this is a case a bad news reporting. It wasn't caused from any recent rain or Earthquakes.

It was caused from bad engineering.

In Colorado, and likely most of America, they blast and drop these things BEFORE they build the highway. There are still rock-slides, but nothing like the huge landslip we see here.

This baby should have been triggered long before they built highway 3.

Engineering fail.