Crazy Multi Car Crash Vid

Not open for further replies. times like this, i wish each car had driver cams installed so i could see some wtf!! reactions....

but damn that first car.....musta been drunk thinkin he was doin bumper cars
fuckin idiots! saw it on the local news on that snow day...the first car actually gassed it! thats an expensive bumper car ride! That Volvo had had 13K in damage!
that sux

we had some snow a few days ago... I saw 3 accidents in 10 minutes, one with a flipped SUV

I have a sports car man it was a challenge to drive
Snow is no problem, but ice is when it gets really bad
fuckin idiots! saw it on the local news on that snow day...the first car actually gassed it! thats an expensive bumper car ride! That Volvo had had 13K in damage!

no, he had no traction and attempted to pull by using his AWD, actually pretty smart, except that this also gave him some speed and breaks don't work on ice. If he kept flooring it into the curb, he'd prolly stop faster

but it's easy to judge sitting on a couch
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