Crazy Liberals At It Again!

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Jun 12, 2007
The surge in Iraq is working. Even the leftist NY Times have aknowledged this. So who does the third in command of the U.S. give credit to?


Yes Grandma Peloci coudn't give credit to the troops on the ground or the generals that are planning the sucessful stratigies. She credited the success of the troop surge to “the goodwill of the Iranians”​

WTF is wrong with the left. If its not some lefty threatening government takeover of the oil companies, its another taking credit away from our troops and giving it to fucking IRAN. I guess the left has forgot that Iran has threatened to wipe Israel and the US off the map. I am amazed more and more of the complete and utter ignorance of the left.​

Are you from Kentucky?

So if your from anywhere else but Kentucky then you believe the surge is working because of the goodwill of IRAN???

P.S. No I am not but if I were from Kentucky, would that make my opinion less important than yours. Are you from the South Side of Chicago? ..... Go stand in line with the rest of the sheep you elitist Obamabot!
I give credit to myself for not giving a fucking shit about this issue no more (And I have Family There). Sooner you learn that your opinions don't mean shit in the bigger scope of things the better off you will be. Get your head out of your ass and realize that we don't matter to the people who "RUN" the world.
yes, the left is beyond fucked up.

case in point: 99% of the shit spewed out of barack obama's mouth to his obamabots.
Using insults instead of logical arguments is never a sign of intelligence, but when right-wingers call people on the left of the political spectrum elitist it makes me laugh. Leaving aside the extremities of communism and facism, throughout history it has typically been the right that has helped the few rather than the many.

BTW Iran has not threatened to "wipe Israel and the US off the map", the current Iranian President said that the state of Israel should be removed from the map, as in it should not exist in it's present form as a Jewish state. I don't think he cares as much for the native Americans as he does for the Palestinian people, so the US is safe. Remember this is just the view of one leader (likely to lose the next election it seems). Many Americans would hate to be judged on Bush's actions, so extend the same courtesy to the Iranian people.

How about some impartial evidence that the surge is working? Who is it working for?
@Lazy - please don't put all of us center-right folks in the same boat - WE ARE NOT. As an example many sensible conservatives (I consider myself to be) are very much at odds with alot of the stuff George bush talks about OUTWARDLY. Let's talk about Iran for instance. Most of these non-GED having right wingers have never been out of the country. When they talk about Iran they think "bomb, bomb, bomb" but what they don't understand is that the good ole American dollar is alot more an effective weapon than a nuke (now I am all for kicking some ass with a nuke when one has too). Anyone who has ACTUALLY TALKED TO AN IRANIAN knows that in actuality, alot of them don't like their current leadership and many of them are very much in favor of a change in power and for the day when they can come to enjoy some of the advantages of American society. That's why while Bush's outward policy may be hostile to Iran (he has to satisfy said right wing conservatives without passports mentioned above), internally he is sending top level diplomats to negotiate with Iran. The fact is that American culture and American MONEY is the most effective weapon it has.

The same is true for Libya for instance. The non-reading, conservative peons know very little about America's real policy towards Libya. The fact is THEY MAKE US MAD MONEY - that's why those in the RNC elite have to placate the conservative masses but on the inside, politically maneuver what makes sense for the economy of the country.

Anyone who actually talks to an RNC insider knows that half the stuff you hear about on Fox news is just used to placate the conservative masses who need someone to think for them. This is sad but true...
@Lazy - in the spirit of being open minded, I challenge you (playfully) to investigate the voting records of those on the RNC leadership committee and you will see the level of rational thought the RNC leadership has (some anyway).
@Lazy - please don't put all of us center-right folks in the same boat - WE ARE NOT. As an example many sensible conservatives (I consider myself to be) are very much at odds with alot of the stuff George bush talks about OUTWARDLY. Let's talk about Iran for instance. Most of these non-GED having right wingers have never been out of the country. When they talk about Iran they think "bomb, bomb, bomb" but what they don't understand is that the good ole American dollar is alot more an effective weapon than a nuke (now I am all for kicking some ass with a nuke when one has too). Anyone who has ACTUALLY TALKED TO AN IRANIAN knows that in actuality, alot of them don't like their current leadership and many of them are very much in favor of a change in power and for the day when they can come to enjoy some of the advantages of American society. That's why while Bush's outward policy may be hostile to Iran (he has to satisfy said right wing conservatives without passports mentioned above), internally he is sending top level diplomats to negotiate with Iran. The fact is that American culture and American MONEY is the most effective weapon it has.

The same is true for Libya for instance. The non-reading, conservative peons know very little about America's real policy towards Libya. The fact is THEY MAKE US MAD MONEY - that's why those in the RNC elite have to placate the conservative masses but on the inside, politically maneuver what makes sense for the economy of the country.

Anyone who actually talks to an RNC insider knows that half the stuff you hear about on Fox news is just used to placate the conservative masses who need someone to think for them. This is sad but true...

I agree, but look who they choose to lead them... Maybe McCain is just making the right noises to the right voters, but still they keep encouraging the same extremist views to get votes rather than trying to change them.

I was more talking globally though, comparing left and right, I don't know enough about US politics to get into that and besides what the US generally sees as left-wing would by many be seen as centre/centre-right.
What do you really expect of Popeye's arguments when he just spews out O'Reilly's talking points.

Case and point: The right wing conservative logic for the surge "working" is beyond stupid. Violence is less than it was before, but its still way up. At the end of the day, your still at a loss.

Your a supposed internet marketer. You should know better. If you're running an ad campaign and are losing $1000 a day, and you lessen that loss to $800 a day, you're still losing a shitload of money. Yes, you're losing less than you were before, but you're still fucked.
Iraq is like your ex-girlfriend that you impregnated - it's too late to pull out.

I'm a Republican (Libertarian-leaning) that thinks we need to get the hell out of Iraq, but I also realize that it would put the entire country in danger, which is unfortunate.

I think we fucked-up, and now we need to stick it out and make things right, which could take a lot of time (unfortunately).
Iraq is like your ex-girlfriend that you impregnated - it's too late to pull out.

I'm a Republican (Libertarian-leaning) that thinks we need to get the hell out of Iraq, but I also realize that it would put the entire country in danger, which is unfortunate.

As a social-liberal/liberal-socialist I completely agree.

However I don't think the US & UK need to stay there under US & UK command. They should put blue helmets on and join a multi-national peace-keeping force, the UN can't do a worse job than our leaders have and if they bring in Sunni and Shia troops (maybe Saudi and Iranian) may be able to calm some of the ethnic tension.
Lazy, you cannot possibly believe that the UN would be able to control the situation. They are not capable of doing much of anything.
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