Craigslist cracks down on affiliates *SCAM ALERT*


New member
May 24, 2007
Not sure if this is old news or not but...

I was going to check the Craigslist job section when I saw this.

Looks like so far they are displaying this page for small cities where job postings are free. I'm sure that the affiliates are not finding their "fun fact" so fun.


Yeah, that's been up there for about three to four weeks now. Thing is, they haven't really done anything different that I've seen, except put up that message. Written innovation never can beat physical work. Keep on plugging.
And you're unhappy about this why? The only people this hurts are unethical affiliates who are violating TOS and incentivizing non-incent offers. This makes advertisers scrub harder and makes it worse for legitimate affiliates.
And you're unhappy about this why? The only people this hurts are unethical affiliates who are violating TOS and incentivizing non-incent offers. This makes advertisers scrub harder and makes it worse for legitimate affiliates.

It is interesting how, now a days, it seems that "spam" is "interchangeable" with scam in the eyes of teh peoplez.
Most of the people that fall for the "fill in a free credit report" trick are too stupid to even know what an "affiliate id" is. Don't think it's going to slow the game down one bit, especially when there are networks popping up that allow and even encourage Craigslist traffic. All that really matters to the advertiser is the quality of the leads, not where they come from.