Craiglist SEO "Experts"


ist brüno
Jan 2, 2009
Your Mom's House
So I was browsing Craigslist in the Creative Services sections just for S & G's and find this.

Hi, My name is Dean Barron and I am a Search Engine Optimization Expert with over 15 years of experience in getting my clients websites to the top of Google.

Try searching the following phrases in Google: top seo expert, top google expert, top google seo experts & Dean Barron into Google and see what you get for search results. You'll also find me using my business name, RainmakerSEO

Take a look at this video and see why I know I can get your website listed #1 on Google, Yahoo & MSN just as I have done for over 1000 other companies world-wide.

Please feel free to call me and discuss your needs at 1-888-237-0227 or visit my website "" for more information.

See you at the TOP!

I really cannot believe some people actually fall for this garbage. Maybe its his high - tech website, or YouTube Video, which he shot outside a Coffee Shop with Free WiFi. Something tells me he can be out-ranked by WF.

Hahah it'd be pretty funny to outrank him on those terms with a wickedfire thread

He's not even #1 for top seo expert and his site is pr1 with like 600 links total. Basically he's horrible as suspected.

That term gets 11 whole searches a day too wow!

This is probably his best site too
rofl look at that keyword spam at the bottom
1) Does this guy seriously have adsense ads on his own bio page?
2) Does this guy actually use magicjack, and proudly says he does in his bio page?
3) I bet $100 that he made his bio website using Microsoft Frontpage.
Hi, My name is Dean Barron and I am a Search Engine Optimization Expert with over 15 years of experience in getting my clients websites to the top of Google.

There is so much win in saying that you have 15 years of experience doing something that has only been possible for 12...i'd hire him
So I was browsing Craigslist in the Creative Services sections just for S & G's and find this.

I really cannot believe some people actually fall for this garbage. Maybe its his high - tech website, or YouTube Video, which he shot outside a Coffee Shop with Free WiFi. Something tells me he can be out-ranked by WF.

This garbage might be a member of wickedfire or once he found out you post a thread about him, he is very likely become one.
with over 15 years of experience in getting my clients websites to the top of Google.

has google actually been about for 15 years ?? if so, shit, I'm old
15 years ! I wonder If Google was used 15 years back or even existed for him to SEO anything.
Hating is a hobby for a lot of WF members, some of which devote countless hours to their craft.