CPAEmpire Communication Issues

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New member
Jul 1, 2007
ALRIGHT I need to voice a complaint and wonder if anyone else has had any trouble like this.

I've done 40k so far with CPAEmpire this year, and they can't even communicate with my clearly.

I have an offer I do a regular $300-$400/day on, and a couple of days ago it died COMPLETELY, here's my stats:

2007-11-13 $402.00 2007-11-14 $352.00 2007-11-15 $12.00 2007-11-16 $336.00 2007-11-17 $290.00
Obviously tracking died either on their end, or a problem the offer was having, but I received no communication and lost $200... thanks guys!!

I even asked my rep what was up that day and here's the conversation:

ME: Are there any problems with **offer** today? Conversions seem to have died.
CPAEmpireRep: really
ME: Yeah it was doing fine the last week, but nothing today.
CPAEmpireRep: ok

Am I wrong in thinking this is terrible treatment, or is this typical for affiliate marketing?

Same issue. I was talking to my AM that the click stats don't match my tracking stats, and he was like "really"? Is it typical of cpaempire using the experssion "really"? It pisses people off. Why would people notify you if it is not happening.
Is it a unique offer that only CPA empire has? It seems like most offers you can usually find's frustrating, I know, but if you don't like the way your being treated, let them know and then move on.
I've really liked CPA empire. Sometimes they're just really busy in the office. I dunno, just be persistent and keep approaching them with your problem.

Ask for a new AM if it keeps becoming a problem.
I've had nothing but good experiences with CPA Empire. I have noticed that their click stats don't match, but it seems to be because they count any crawling the PPC engine does as clicks, so you can't really depend much on their click/EPC stats.

I would agree with the previous advice to request a new AM. If you can't get an changes made though, definitely take your business elsewhere.
Please call Pat Avery, Director of Advertising at CPA Empire and let him know of your issue.
don't they have a really high turnover of reps? seems like there's always someone new. but I haven't done much with them this year.
I would start checking around other networks and see if you can find the same offer


Maybe they have the same one
Seriously, I think we can all agree - if a network pisses you off.. go somewhere else. These days there are so many different networks that have virtually the same offers, the only way they can truly distinguish themselves is by their quality of service. If they fuck the party up, go somewhere else.

For me, when it comes to picking a network, I generally don't work with anyone who uses direct track. And I can be that picky because of the large number of networks.
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