CPA offers without any money spending on it?

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Not black.
Nov 28, 2007
dOes anyone know how to make some money with CPA offers. without spending any money on adwords or advertising?

i tried craigslist and forums.

and it's not working well....

does anyone have ideas?

Find a CPA Offer to promote and make a minisite about it and do some SEO and get some backlinks and get traffic from search engines.

Also check out creative ways to promote offers on other websites with an existing userbase. Create fake profiles and send traffic to dating offers or download,watermark,reupload youtube videos to promote a ringtones offer for whatever youtube video you uploaded.

Search the forum for more info about both because there are threads about each idea I brought up. Heres Rucks blog post about the youtube videos for something to get you started: Making Money With Ringtones - Scale It Up | Cash Tactics | Ruck's Internet Marketing Blog
Gonna agree with babyboy.
Join some sort of Torrent based affiliate. You make a sale in a year and it pays for the domain. A sale a day and you've got dinner and a movie every night.

But yeah, anything that's based on Cost-Per-Action models needs decent traffic to be worthwhile, and it needs to be relevant to the traffic in the first place.
What kind of domain names are you talking about here?

I'm part of a torrent based affiliate, so if you want info, drop me an email/PM
use the coupon for adwords, yahoo and msn.....will cost ya a couple $$ to get the free credit but your all set after that.
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