Could Affiliate Marketers/Marketing Be Considered a Profession?


New member
Jun 30, 2009
I was just thinking today given the amount of studying, research, testing, constant education updates on new trends etc. would it make sense to consider what we do a Profession? (for those that take it seriously)

I mean professional fighters, golfers, gamers, etc. are all outside the norm of Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants... but are still considered Professionals.

I dunno, maybe I'm just off the handle today, but given how "make or break" some of our decisions can be financially, I would think its a justified title.


i would say so, i tell ppl i have my own business. AM isn't easy, it takes skill and hardwork, besides a profession .. i dont know what else you can even call it
I don't want people to think it's a profession. I want them to think I'm some loser destroying my life by playing on the internet all day. Then I can keep making money off the ignorant masses who think every website is made by a major corporation rather than little guys like me.
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I think you are high.

Just think about the question and think about all the professionals in this business, those that do it full time, or even part time to make extra money, the networks, the conferences, this forum, etc. etc. I think it's safe to say AM work is a profession and that you could use the title Affiliate or Internet Marketer to describe yourself if that is what you do.
There are many high end skills needed to be a successful affiliate marketer: coding, graphic design, ad writing, marketing strategist, webmaster, bookkeeper. How is a person with all those skill sets, earning money, not a professional?
I don't want people to think it's a profession. I want them to think I'm some loser destroying my life by playing on the internet all day. Then I can keep making money off the ignorant masses who think every website is made by a major corporation rather than little guys like me.

This. Only in my case it's the bad mom that plays on the internet all day while her kid is in daycare. *sigh*
I was just thinking today given the amount of studying, research, testing, constant education updates on new trends etc. would it make sense to consider what we do a Profession? (for those that take it seriously)

I mean professional fighters, golfers, gamers, etc. are all outside the norm of Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants... but are still considered Professionals.

I dunno, maybe I'm just off the handle today, but given how "make or break" some of our decisions can be financially, I would think its a justified title.


You're clueless.
i always think, remember when we were kids and the adults were all like "the jobs you will do haven't even been invented yet", well, this is exactly that.
I was just thinking today given the amount of studying, research, testing, constant education updates on new trends etc. would it make sense to consider what we do a Profession? (for those that take it seriously)

Definition of "Profession" from WikiPedia:

A profession is a vocation founded upon specialised educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain.

Hmm.. let me get back to you on that Q.
Definition of "Profession" from WikiPedia:

A profession is a vocation founded upon specialised educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain.

Hmm.. let me get back to you on that Q.

Hello friend,

What about Dr Ngo? He do affiliate marketing but also have degree of doctor so I think he professional.

Good luck bro
It's just an off shoot of marketing I'll scan the diagram of Affiliate Marketing and where it fits in the greater marketing world once I get to the office on Monday.
I don't want people to think it's a profession. I want them to think I'm some loser destroying my life by playing on the internet all day. Then I can keep making money off the ignorant masses who think every website is made by a major corporation rather than little guys like me.
:bowdown: :rasta: :playboy_sml:

exactly...thats the way to go..
What about Dr Ngo? He do affiliate marketing but also have degree of doctor so I think he professional.

"Actually I have a B.S. in BS"


and try to answer, Is money making limited to a profession tag ?

i always think, remember when we were kids and the adults were all like "the jobs you will do haven't even been invented yet", well, this is exactly that.