Cost per Blog


New member
Feb 5, 2012
Hi. I would like to ask if how much roughly does a 100 word well researched blog cost? Thanks!

If you are looking to create a blog in then it will cost you nothing. But if you are using some hosting services then they are in various ranges according to their services.
If you are asking how much would it cost to hire someone to write you a blog post that was 100 words long, then there really is no definite answer. Different writers have different prices associated with writing. Most will probably be around $1 - $1.50 for a 100 word blog post.
First you would need hosting and a domain which should end up runnig you about 20$. However, as someone above has said you could also setup a blog for free at

If you want to hire someone to write 100 word posts, it shouldn't be too expensive, typically most articles are around 1$ per 100words. If you want really fine crafted writing then it may cost you a little more.
Thanks everyone for taking time answering my question. Majority of the answers here is around $1 per 100 word blog. I'll guess I'll stick to this. Thanks!
Thanks Walter!

Wow, there are tons of people who are into article writing. Indeed, such a lucrative field. Also, I think $1 for 100 word blog is too much. I'll settle between 0.60 to .80 instead.