Correct English fuck?

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New member
Mar 15, 2007
I have to hand in my bachelor thesis by tomorrow. Topic is permission marketing.

Just wondering if this sentence would be correct.

Can you say, as a statement: Technology moves mobile, so should marketing.

Put it in the context of a paragraph.

What about, "As technology migrates to a mobile platform, so should marketing." Technology moves mobile seems too general but if you've explained this previously, it could make sense.
On it's own the sentence doesn't read well, but if fleshed out slightly as trigatch4 has done, it sounds good.
Put it in the context of a paragraph.

What about, "As technology migrates to a mobile platform, so should marketing." Technology moves mobile seems too general but if you've explained this previously, it could make sense.

Hm, I would like to use it as an overall statement at the total end of my thesis.
I might replace your comma with 3 dots or a dash...

As technology moves mobile... so should marketing.


Technology is moving mobile... so should marketing.
As technology moves mobile... marketing will follow.
"As technology moves mobile" sounds wrong... but I am just German.

As technology becomes mobile....maybe?

and what about to change them places? for instance: Marketing should move mobile as technology does; or I'd prefer to change some words: marketing should develop as rapidly as the technology does/ or even makketing should be developing....
I would go with Emp's suggestion if you want it short and snappy. "Technology moves mobile" doesn't sound right.

To move implies that it is going somewhere, "mobile" in itself doesn't sound like a destination. I'm no English expert but I think you would need a noun (such as "a mobile platform", as above) for it to sound right. The verb "become" definitely sounds better, although it doesn't really say the same thing.

By the way, you should say "The topic is permission marketing." I'm sure you are paying more attention to your thesis than a forum post, but I'm being picky on purpose as you specifically asked about English grammar!

P.S.: Unless the German examiners are getting lax make sure your spell checker is set to UK (or international) English, not the US English you probably use for web stuff!
Right across the street there is a store for hunting equipment. I will go there and pick up some guns :anon.sml:

I want to make a statement at the end of the thesis, which says that because of technology is going mobile, marketing should follow.....aehm blah blah....... I think I forgot my name while writing this thesis :error:
Therefor I love WF.....I need to release some aggression.

Fuck fuck fucking shit thesis I fuck you damn bith motherfucker take this :repuke: you stupid fuck :thefinger:
How about you just say "becomes"?

"As technology becomes mobile, so should marketing."

"Technology is becoming mobile -- so should marketing."

"Technology is becoming mobile -- marketing should too."
"As technology becomes mobile, so should marketing." Seems to be the best option I think.

Long time since I really did this shit though... but I'm doing a TEFL/ESL course soon so need to brush up on it too.

Are yoink*gasp* or geekcognito about? - They know their shit!
The thesis doesn't make any sense. Have you thought that perhaps "The market is demanding mobile technologies, which are coming."

Marketing is both front-side and back-side. Technology isn't going mobile for technology's sake, it's going mobile because people have said "I want to do more things from any place that I travel to without being bound by complex or cumbersome technology."

Anyways, yes, "As technology mobilizes, marketing will follow." Mobilizes is a word, and in point of fact the word you're looking for. :)
"as technology moves to mobile platforms, so should marketing." However this sentence really leaves something to be desired and needs more to sound like a complete thought.
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