Corporate Scum is after the Internet


New member
Oct 16, 2010
VeriSign demands website takedown powers ? The Register

One of the reasons for taking down a domain or even cancelling the registration is:
“(e) to respond to or protect against any form of malware (defined to include, without limitation, malicious code or software that might affect the operation of the Internet).
To fight a VeriSign or the US Government for the return of a domain name could easily run into the six figures and higher.
Of course as part of the proposal Verisign wants immunity for its action even if its completely wrong.
Verisign runs the .com, .net, .tv, .cc, .jobs and and .name TLD’s
Would Have Been Seized Or Cancelled Today By VeriSign If The Proposed Policy Was In Effect | The Domains

^^ very nice. when corporates did not know what interwebs is it was good time, now when they learn what it is, they want it all taxed and govrighted and destroy its very free nature by red tape bs
^^ very nice. when corporates did not know what interwebs is it was good time, now when they learn what it is, they want it all taxed and govrighted and destroy its very free nature by red tape bs
Nothing is free, man... how can it possibly be?

it all taxed and govrighted and destroy its very free nature by red tape bs
